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Hellloooooo! I really hope you are enjoying so far cause soon there will be some stuff that might make you sad but I promise things will get better.

(Jimin's POV)

I heard my alarm start to go off as I was laying in my bed so I turned it off. I started feeling really little all of a sudden so I rubbed my eyes to wake up a bit and got out of bed. I grabbed one of my new stuffed animals and walked out of my room and went to Taehyung's room. Once I quietly opened his door and went in. I tip toed over to his bed and got on the bed and clinged onto him.

I put my head in his chest when I felt him start to move around. Sooner or later he opened up his eyes and saw me. "Morning." I said and giggled a bit. Taehyung smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Morning baby." He replied back to me when I felt him starting to kiss down my face slowly till he got to my lips.

Soon enough I felt his lips press against mine. I kisses him back as the kiss became more rough and intense. He pulled back and started kissing my neck up to my ear. "I love you so much." I heard him whisper in my ear. I quickly pushed him back. "Umm we gotta hurry or we'll be late for class." I got off his bed and ran out of the room to mine. Once I got to my room I locked my door. My heart was racing. I hope he just thinks I'm shy or something cause if he knew the truth, he'll probably be mad.

~Time skip~

I just walked out of my last class for the day and as I was sprinting down the hallway to get to the dorms, I ran into Namjoon. Jins boyfriend. "Oh my God Namjoon I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I held onto my books. "It's okay don't worry. Why are you in such a rush anyways?" As he asked me I panicked. "I just wanted to hurry to the dorm to make food. I didn't have breakfast or lunch so I'm starving." He nodded his head as I explained to him. "Oh okay well hurry on home but be careful." He pet my head as I smiled. "Okay I will. Bye bye Namjoon." I said and started running again towards the dorms.

After a couple of long minutes to get to my dorm, I finally arrived. Once I went to my room I got my key and opened use them to unlock the door. When I finally opened the door I quickly went inside and closed the door behind me. I fell to the floor as I was exhausted from running for so long. I closed my eyes and tried to relax a bit.

"Hi." I shot my eyes open as I heard Taehyung say.


"Why are you here so early? I thought your classes didn't end for like another hour." I asked him as I stood up quickly. "Well one of my classes got canceled cause the teacher was sick and there was no one to fill in for them." I felt my heart pounding as I dropped all my stuff on the ground and went over to the couch where he was sitting.

I sat down on the couch next to him while I dug my nails into my pants.

Please don't ask about earlier
Please don't ask about earlier
Please don't ask about earlier
Please don't ask about earlier

"Can I ask you what happened earlier?" I felt like my heart jumped out of my chest as he said that. "What do you mean?" I asked him trying not to burst into tears. "You know what I mean. How all I said was I love you and you panicked. It's okie if you were shy but it didn't feel like that." Taehyung said as I felt my tears start to break loose and fall down my cheeks.

All I felt was him looking at me crying. "Why are you crying?" I couldn't help but just cry and cry. I wanted to tell him so bad but I knew I couldn't. He started to scoot over to me. "Please tell me what's wrong. I don't like seeing you hurt." He said putting his hand on my hand to stop myself from scratching at my pants more.

"If I tell you.....you'll hate me." I felt Taehyung start to wipe my tears away. "I will never ever in my entire life hate you so please tell me." I turned my head to face towards him as I sniffled a bit. "Promise me if I tell you that you will never ever tell anyone in your entire life that I told you this." He turned his till body to face me and smiles at me.

"I pinkie promise that I will never tell anyone." Taehyung said as I stopped crying and held onto my hands tightly. I know right now that if I do tell him, he will get mad and hate me or be disgusted by me so much. I really hope that doesn't happen. If it does. I'll never date anyone ever again for as long as I live.

Sorry for a cliff hanger but I'm writing the next part right now but the next part gets very graphic and disturbing and triggering so don't read it if you know it will bother you. Thank you for some people that have stayed around this long so far. 💜💜

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