|| Chapter 1 : Him?! ||

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|| Russia's POV ||

S: 'Russia! Your going to be late!'

'I know I know! Just wait!'

- Russia dashed down the stairs -

'Bye dad!'

-he opened the door and stepped outside -

- It was another fine day , Summer break has just ended , and Russia was going to a new collage .  He grabbed the rest of his bags , and hurried to the train, where he barley just caught it-


-finding a empty spot , he put his bags down and sat down with a sigh. He looked next to him. A hockey stick? A boy about his age sat down next to him. Wait. Is that Canada? - Russia thought , examining him. 'Well if Canada's going his brothers will be too'..'Wait. His.brothers?' - he leaned forward to see America chatting to Australia- 'Not this fucked up capitalist' -he groaned silently -'this is gonna be a long year..' - he stared out if the window at all the trees wizzing by -

B: 'Hey Russia!'

- Belarus stood before him , with Ukraine and Kazakhstan following -

B: 'you still haven't moved out of dads place I take it?'

'Meh..It's on my to-do list.'

- Belarus sat next to Russia , and Kazakhstan and Ukraine stat opposite . Russia had a headache from the ride , and even though there was a long way left to go , he wished to get off. Already.-

|| EPIC time skip ( your ment to say WaYw ) ||

|| America's POV ||

- America headed to the main hall , where plenty of other kids where lined up. There were lines in alphabetical order; A-C , D-G . America guessed he should go and find out where his dorm was , and who he would be sharing with. Jeez this school was strict. They didn't even let you eat in the corridors! America waited in the line for the next 12 mins , and finally it was his turn-

**'Room 107 , here's your key , your larger boxes and bags should have been delivered'**


- America headed for the lift to the first floor -

|| Russia's POV ||


-russia thought , as he unlocked the brassy wooden door. He crammed inside through the small corridor , and placed his bags down in a empty space- ' Looks like roomies got money. ' -usually bags where not delivered unless parents or the student payed extra . It also excluded 'free lunches ' even though it was more of a monthly bill . Russia headed into the bedrooms to place his stuff down , and then he heard the front door click , and the knob turn -

- a boy wearing a black hoodie turned around , showing his face . Russia just started in shock -

|| America's POV ||

- America just started as well . It was a bit of a competition , except Russia couldn't actually see America's eyes. 'Thank god something going well today then.' - eventually America spoke -

'Heeeyy— hows it goin.'

-Russia grunted- 'fine,'

'Look , I know that we are gonna not get along at all , and probably fight about toothpaste every morning but hey. Don't be rude,'

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