Want a Ride?

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After a short-ish drive, we finally make it to the perpetual chaos that is Costco. I guess everyone is doing back to school shopping too. Dom parks the car in the only free spot he can find, which is so far away from the front door. Ugh! It's too hot to be walking. I unbuckle and get out of my side. I'm lowkey pretending that my thighs weren't sticking to his seat with sweat. 

"Damn, this'll be a journey." Dom comments while slamming his door and coming to my side. 

"Hey! Language." I poke my tongue out while mocking him. Oops.

When I turn to walk away I swear I hear him mutter something, but I only heard a few words like "brat" and "that tongue".

We make it to the crowded front and I grab a basket and jump up on it, sliding over to Dom's laughing form. He shows the lady up front his member card and we're in! 

"Give me that, little one. You're gonna knock someone over like that." I pout slightly but agree and give it to him, since I was kind of careening into small children and all. It's no longer super fun anymore. I know I need to get coffee, fruits, veggies, stuff for sandwiches etc. 

After a few aisles he must have noticed I'm not having as much fun as with the cart and smirks when I jump to grab the huge bag of coffee beans all the way up on the second shelf.

Coming up behind me he grabs it with ease, pressing himself against my back. I freeze and fight all my urges to snuggle into the hot semi-strangers chest. Quit it Luna! He's your friend and doesn't need to be bothered with your little antics. 

"Want a ride?" Dom asks.

I choke on air. Turning to him I ask back, "What?"

"In the big cart, it'll be funner and you can steer." He gestures to the huge space in the bed of the cart. I jump up and down a little. Yes! Yes! Yes! 

Dom lightly hoists me up by the waist and gets me situated, since we're on a non-busy aisle. I try not to act like a deranged beast at the feeling of his huge hands. 

"Comfy?" I nod.

"Safe?" I nod two times.

"Ready to ride?" I nod uncontrollably. He smirks. 

I'm fighting so hard to not be a babbling pile of little all over the cart. I get extra comfy and dangle my feet over the edge of the railing, kicking them back and forth. Every few minutes I point something out and he steers us over, it's such a good system. Without realizing it, we've gotten a really good banter going. Asking questions to learn more about each other, learning our tastes in food etc. I hum a little tune to myself, getting caught up in littlespace, not noticing the woman staring at me at first. Until she invites herself over to talk to us. 

"Excuse me, but if you could take your baby out of here. It's making my family uncomfortable!" She points at me with disgust. I'm moments away from bursting out crying, I just can't get out of littlespace and she's hurting my feelings. Dom is going to be so embarrassed of knowing me! Fuck I'm a mistake. Right when I'm about to climb out of the half full cart, I hear a voice behind me speak up. 

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to stop verbally abusing my friend, for simply just sitting in the basket and having a good time. You close-minded bitch!" And with that he steers us onto a few aisles away.

Dom comes to the front of the basket, that's when I look up and see we ended up on the baby aisle. How fucking fitting! I sniffle a little and tuck a curl behind my ear before looking up into his eyes. He's standing tall in front of me with concern on his face. 

"Hey little one, you alright?" I just nod a little.

He continues, "You know she was just being an old white lady right? Not understanding such cute girls can express it whatever way they want."

My puppy eyes look up to meet his and gesture for him to crouch down to my level. A small smile plays on my wet face when his ear gets next to my lips. I giggle while whispering, "Language." in his ear. A heavy chuckle rumbles from his big chest. 

"Alright, missy! Let's go find that Keurig," he laughs, standing up and rubbing my shoulder. I can't help but notice the way his eyes linger on the pacifiers before he starts pushing again. 

God damn, what an eventful Costco journey! I'll definitely have to find a way to repay him for sticking up for me in front of that lady. And find time to have some much needed littlespace time alone. I could get used to having him around... 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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