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Do you ever find yourself just staring off into space feeling like utter shit? I often find myself staring off numbly.  I feel lost. Like I'm in a body that doesn't belong to me.

It's hard to explain and it's even harder  understand. One minute I'm cheerful and energetic and the next I'm contemplating whether or not its worth living anymore.

When ever I try to talk to someone about how I feel I'm always told the same thing. That it's just because I'm a teenage and whatnot. They're most likely true but I'd like to think my feelings were true. Even if it's selfish of me.

I just. I'm just really tired. With everything. Sometimes it feels like someone is stomping on my chest and I just want to scream at the world. Sometimes it feels like my emotions got ripped away from me.

I'm probably going to delete this later. Having my thoughts out so vulnerably make me feel uncomfortable. I hate emotions like these.

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