Chapter 4 - Reunion & Seperation

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Reader's POV:

"Housing arrangement?" I raised a brow. The hell was he talking about 'housing arrangements'.

"Yes. Did you enjoy your new room?" He said, his voice laced with a sickening sweetness. I didn't respond. "Would you like to keep it?"

He turned away from me then and went to stand before the glass wall-like window that overlooked the stars, and other Galran ships. He clasped his hands behind his back and I took note of just how large they were. They were far larger than my face that's for sure, but they were also calloused and scarred. An obvious sign of his experience in battle.

"I'd like to make you a deal," he said, not even bothering to turn around. "You can have just about anything you want, such as that luxury sweet, along with food, proper attire, etcetera. However, in return, you will be made a real warrior. One worthy of my ranks, and I'll even do you the honor of having me as your personal trainer."

My eyes widened. The old hag that brought me here had the same expression as she glanced between the King and I. Why the hell was he offering something like this? Surely he'd make me fight in the ring regardless, of whether I say yes or no to his little deal.

He awaited my answer.

"You must be out of your god damned mind if you think I'm going to accept anything you offer me," I replied my voice dripping with venom. "First you kidnap me and the others, imprison us, have me me almost killed in that sick show of yours for your own goddamned entertainment, and now you expect me to just forget it all? Just like that? Now way. I'd rather take my chances in the battle arena!"

He slowly turned to face me, that horrifying smile now replaced with a cold emotionless stare. "That could be arranged."

As if on queue, two sentries grabbed me and started dragging me away. With the shock of suddenly being grabbed I resisted for a moment, but gave in when I realized they'd only be taking me far away from him. This, believe it or not, made me okay with being taken somewhere against my will.

Zarkon's POV:

Haggar had finally arrived with the woman, and I wasn't all that surprised to hear the girls mouth already running off. Though seeing her made me stop for a moment and observe her. She stood in prison rags, and was covered in dirt. I suppose Haggar wasn't up to the task of cleaning scum. But even so, the earth woman held a sense of beauty. Her (E/C) eyes were fierce, and piercing. They made her look as though she'd even challenge stellar.

Beneath all the dirt and muck that coated her face, her skin held a smooth (S/C) complection. One that looked soft to the touch. Despite her hair being in knots and tangles, it was (H/L), and sleek. And the color of it had me staring. It was rare for any Galran female's hair to be any color other than a pale or deep dark purple, and that's assuming if they even had any hair at all.

I realized I was staring, so quickly, I snapped myself out of my trance and smirked, playing it off. I then turned and walked to the large glass wall, and gazed out into the deep cosmos, relishing the fact that I knew, it was almost all mine. I then made my deal. However to my surprise she didn't take it too well.

"I'd rather take my chances in the battle arena!" She hollered, her fists tightening at her sides.

I'd be lying if I said I weren't annoyed. I'm offering her a warm bed and an obvious chance of survival, what more does she want? But if she wanted the arena, fine, she can have the arena.

"That could be arranged."

With that a look to my guards and she was being dragged to the cells where she so desperately wished to stay. She was fuming, but she went quietly nonetheless. She's a feisty one that's for sure. Strange, I don't remember having this much fun for some time.

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