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A Heroic Couplet for Heroic People

As the men in uniform go into war,

they become the bravest and best in their corps.

They are willing to put themselves in harm's way

so that we may find a way to have a great day.

It's their valor and honor,

that without it, we would all be goners.

Some may serve abroad, and some at home.

Some are recognized and some are hardly known.

So, then next time you see someone who served,

thank them for what they did, and what they earned.

Because without people like these, we won't
be able to enjoy the freedoms many nations don't.

We often think "It won't happen to us,"

because it's a matter we don't want to discuss.

But, these people are the salt and ice of our home,

and without them, life would be boring and monochrome.


People always ask

why I'm an introvert,

and other questions

that always hurt.

They ask why I'm alone,

they think I don't want friends,

and ask what I do

on my weekends.

But, let me tell you this,

I do have friends!

Just not too many

and I enjoy my time on the weekends.

I prefer friends that

I can get close to

and won't abandon

or try to change you.

A Poem about Modern Times

Politicians are

like monkeys climbing treetops.

They think themselves tall.

Celebrities are

the richest folks around, yet

I find them all poor.

Vapers think that the

clouds from their mouths are harmless,

but they are dead wrong.

Tik Tok? What is that?

A library for fools who

Try to become cool.

Fortnite is nothing

But hide and seek with cartoon

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