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"Haewon-ah! Wake up!" My mom's voice from outside my room wakes me up. While I'm still lying and with eyes still closed, I yawn and stretch my body. It feels like my eyes are trying to lift a heavy load as it is really hard for me to open them. With eyes half-opened and with one of them squinted, I try to look at the clock sitting on the desk beside my bed.

It says.

"Haewon-ah!" My mom shouts again from the kitchen while she is preparing breakfast waiting for my reply.

"Mmmm..yes mom! I'm awake!" I reply lazily.

I sit on my bed and rub my eye.

"Ah..Monday..." I sigh.

Waking up on Monday is always difficult. It is no different than the other school days, but it is always the hardest to wake up on Monday. Saturday has always been my favorite day while Monday my most hated day.

I finally get up and prepare myself. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I head to the kitchen to greet my mom.

"Morning Mom!"

"Oh! Haewon-ah, good morning!"

"Where's Dad?"

"He's getting ready."
"Here eat the bread." My mom hands me a tuna sandwich cut in half.

"Thank you, Mom!"

While I eat my bread, my mom is texting someone and giggling all awhile.

"Oooo..Mom, why do you look so happy? Who are you texting?" I ask curiously. "Omo! You're not having an affair are you?" I ask teasingly.

"Of course not!" My mom exclaims. She laughs afterwards.

"Then who are you texting?"

"You'll know later." She answered with a smirk.

"Eyy...Why do you keep on keeping a secret from me?" I pout.

"You'll know. You'll be surprised."

"Araso!" I reply disappointed. I look at the clock and it's 6.45. "I have to go now, Mom. Bye, Mom!" I kiss her cheek.

"Okay! Bye! Fighting, Haewon-ah!"

Just before I walk out of the door, my dad comes out of his room.

"Oh are you going now?" asked my Dad.

"Yes. Bye, Dad!"

I hurriedly run to the bus stop. Luckily, the bus stop is not far away from my house and it takes only 10 minutes from here to school by bus.

School starts at 7.30, but as the class leader I have to come earlier.
Yes, I'm a class leader. Though as lazy as I am to wake up, I have always tried my best in my studies.

I finally arrive at school and walk straight to my class: 10A - passing the 10 C and the 10 B class.

I make sure that the whiteboard is clean and that the marker does not run out of ink. After I make sure of everything, I sit down on my chair - first row, next to the wall - and opens my Math book (yes. It's monday and the first subject of the day has to be math) trying to study before the lesson starts.

A few minutes later some of my classmates started coming in. Just a few minutes before 7.30, suddenly I can hear a lot of girls screaming outside the school building. There are a lot of ooh's and ah's too. All my classmates who have arrived run to the window to see what happen outside while I just sit here too lazy to get up - though I am actually curious too. The girls in my class start to squeal in happiness after they see what happens outside. I wonder what actually happens. The screaming and squealing of girls continue inside the school. The girls in my class run out of the class. I can only sit there with eyes wide opened surprised by how my classmates excitedly run out of our class.

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