The Real Reason BlueStar exilied TigerClaw

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BlueStar: All cats old enough.... Oh just get your lazy butts out here.

Cats: Did she call us lazy.

BlueStar: Yes I did and TigerClaw you are exilied.

TigerClaw: What did I do?

BlueStar: Ingoring the fact you killed RedTail that was a favour cause he was sh*t.

TigerClaw: And Im being exilied why.

BlueStar: You took my sugar lumps!
I wanted to try thoughs, and you ingored the fact of calling your kit KitKit then KitPaw Then KitCat

BlueStar: So get your fat as*e out or J give every cat to eat your KITCAT BARS!

TigerClaw: =O To bad I ate them all *licks lips*

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