Chapter 2: Milo

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       I walk out the diner, I'm shaking, but it's not cold. I don't want to have bad vibes, so I straighten myself out and put on a smile. I look down at myself and see what I'm wearing. A navy blue hoodie and jeans. Pretty basic. Maybe there are some better outfits at the Vibey Inn in my room, or maybe there is a store somewhere. I reach in my pocket for my key. 4 , I remind myself. I walk down a hall with flickering yellow lights and a beige carpet past rooms 1, 2, 3... 4! I turn the key and walk inside. It's warm inside. Juniper hops on the bed and curls up into an orange ball. The room seems to be catered to my taste like the food menu. The walls are pale peach and the lights aren't too bright. There is also a kitchen and bathroom down a short hall. It's the size of a hotel room. I open the closet and inside are corduroys and a red sweater. I remember my clothes from back home... home! It hits me... I remember the creamy white walls of my real home. Wherever I am now isn't it. I remember the TY fox plushie on my bed and the mushroom lamp on my desk. I miss my dog. I don't remember her name but I remember her. I need to get back. But for now, I'm stuck here. In this simulation of a real-life, a real world. I change out of the hoodie and into the sweater and corduroys. They're comfy but I'm not comfortable.

Someone knocks on the door of my room before I've explored the whole thing. I walk drowsily to the door. I'm tired. I open the door to see the boy from the restaurant, the snake lazily curled around his neck.

"Uh, hi?", I say, confused.

"Sorry, I just noticed you at the restaurant, and I wondered if you were new. Everyone deserves a nice greeting.", he says.

"Uh, thanks? How do I do this, now? I-I vibe with you?", I say to him with a smile. I point my wand thing at him, but nothing seems to happen.

"Oh, you gotta do it with enthusiasm.", he says.

"I VIBE WITH YOU!!", I say with enthusiasm. Juniper's head pops up from the bed behind me. "Wait, was that too enthusiastic?"

He laughs, and his vibe total goes up. He already has- 200 vibes! I'm guessing everyone thinks he is charming, and I agree. He will probably be very rich with vibes someday.

"Lol same. I vibe with youuu." He says with enthusiasm.

I invite him in and we sit at a small table by a window.

"So, how does all this like... work?", I ask him.

"Hey, it's my first day, I don't really know much more than you do, haha. What's the fox's name? Oh, and what's your name too?"

"That's Juniper.", I say as Juniper hops onto my lap," And I'm Sam. You?"

"This is Chamomile", he says reaching to pet the white-yellow snake wrapped around his neck," And my name is Milo."

"Well, nice to meet you. Can I pet Chamomile?"

"Yeah!" he lets Chamomile slither down his arm and onto the table. I slide my hand across her scales as she flicks her pink tongue at me. She looks at me calmly and wraps around my hand. "Hey, let me get us something to drink."

I walk over to the kitchen and open up a small black mini-fridge filled with Strawberry Fanta. When I reach in to grab one, however, the drinks suddenly change. Half of them are now Kool-aid. I gasp. "Milo, did you see that? Are you okay with Kool-aid, because half of the drinks in my mini-fridge are Kool-aid."

Milo grins. "Just found out? Yep, something, somewhere knows I am in your room and knows that my favorite drink is Kool-aid."

"Don't you think that's... a bit creepy?", I said.

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