The Beginning

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The world, as all should be, started with light. In this light existed three celestial beings known as the Trivo. Maiwai, Lady of the air. Celai, Lord of the trees. And Dealai, Lord of the underland. These beings were created by The One Who Is, the overseer of creation, and they were left to create as they wished. The Trivo created a land and filled it with tall mountains and wide, grassy plains. They called it Aämundu. These beings lasted in harmony for a small eternity until Celai decided to create the first tree beings. He created wise creatures that were in tune with the nature of which they were created. Possessing silk-like hair, skin flecked with green and patches of moss, and eyes that shown with the emerald green of the forest; they were beautiful creatures. Celai named these beings Stromü. The Stromü built a strong kingdom in the south within the green trees of the Roheline forest.

Maiwai filled the land with a multitude of fantastic creatures. Sky serpents that dwelt in the mountain ranges in the North and the East. These serpents shared the air with other great beings that traveled the skies as Maiwai's personal Messengers. Gentle, yet full of power, The Messengers had the body of a lion but the head and wings of a mighty eagle.

Dealai grew jealous of the others' creations for he was never as skilled with his hands. He attempted to create a being similar to the Stromü but his result was much worse. They were humanoid in shape but nothing was beautiful about them. Some of these beings had multiple arms, legs, or even two heads. Horrified by Dealai's creations, Celai and Maiwai, through their thoughts and will, made them into the first land dwellers, Man. Man, now baring two arms, legs, and one head were mortal creatures but they made the land prosperous. They built many kingdoms across Aämundu. Dealai became furious that the duo had out shown him again by remaking his own creation and fled to the west of the land. Darkness fed off of Dealai's feelings of jealously and betrayal until it made him unrecognizable. The land around his fortress grew dark and nothing would grow except for things of evil. Finding it easier to create in darkness instead of light, Dealai made many dark and terrible beings. And though Celai and Maiwai had remade Man into light, a part of Dealai still dwelt within Man giving them the potential for great darkness.



I doubt anyone is reading this but if you are, HEYYYYYY.

I'm thinking of making this an entire story but want to see what people think, so comment and let me know if I should continue or not!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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