Mafia Babe

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Lucy wakes up and gets dressed in a pale blue T-shirt, with dark blue jeans and some high top black vans. Her hair was tied in a bun. She gets into her car and drives to school.

~At School~

Lucy walks in and is tripped by Angel and Falls. A whole bunch of kids laugh at her. She sighs and gets up.

~In Gym~

Lucy gets pushed into the lockers in the locker room. " Why don't you just die. It'll save us the trouble " One said then snickered and walked away. She sighed and gets up. " I hate this stupid school, and the stupid teacher and stupid kids " She said through gritted teeth. " Being bullied again huh.. " Me by said lowly. Lucy can hear them. Erza and levy are on the other sides. Erza sighed. " Well it's not like we can help " Erza said. " Why not? " Levy asked. " Because if we start helping her, they'll get jealous. She will get bullied even more when we're not around. So helping will only make it worse " She said. Lucy shakes her head. " So weird " She said then walks out.

~The next day~

Lucy wakes up in the morning. She takes a shower and brushed her teeth. She gets dressed in black leggings, a black T-shirt, and a baggy black hoodie. Her hair is tied in a high pony tail that reaches her waist, her bangs cover her forehead and some strands hang down and rest on her shoulders. She puts on her necklace that was a locket with the Aquarius key. She wasn't going to school today. She was done with their crap. She's gonna get rid of her problem.

~At School~

They were all sitting down. Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, Jellal, Laxus, Bixslow, Levy, Juvia, Erza, Mira and Lisanna. The mafia kids. These two girls were walking past. " Hey that stupid nerdy blonde girl didn't show up " One said. " Maybe she finally decided to do us a favor by jumping off a bridge " The other said and then they start snickering. " Isn't that... " Erza said. They all quickly get up and run to find her. They all get into the car. " Why are we doing this again? " Gray asked. " I have no idea " Natsu asked. " Well, there are a couple of roads that are closed down, so we should check those " Erza said. They checked them, and they found a car parked. They get out. " Okay I'm ready then... " She sighed. She gets up on the side. She takes her jacket off. Lisanna runs and tries to get her down but ends up falling in instead and couldn't catch herself. Lucy was shocked. " Lis!! " The others all yelled. Lucy looked over to them confused. They recognized her. Yup, it was the bullied girl. Lucy shakes her head. She dived in after Lisanna. She swam down. Lisanna couldn't swim, so it wasn't very smart of her to jump after Lucy. Lucy swims down to the now unconscious Lisanna. She grabs her and swims back up to the surface. She takes a breath and swims back up to the surface. She does CPR on her. Lisanna coughs up the water. " Why'd you jump in? " She asked. " Because you were gonna take your life... " She said. Lucy shakes her head. " No I wasn't " She said. " J-just stay there " She said. Then she dives back into the water. " I don't know what's happening... " Levy said. They all rush down to 'save' Lucy. " Are you okay lis? " Mira asked. Lisanna nodded. " Natsu go save her! " Erza ordered. " Why me? " He asked. She gives him a death glare. " Okay I'll go! " He said. He took off his shirt and jumped into the water finding her. He pulled her back up to the surface. She was annoyed. " What are you doing? " She asked. " We won't let you kill yourself " He said. " I'm not gonna kill myself! Why do you-- you know what just go over there to your friends and I promise I'll be back soon " She said. But her fathers voice came into her head. He said those exact same words. Before he left and never came back. He shakes his head, and still won't let go of her. Lucy groans. She snatched the necklace off her chest. " Here, this is something really important to me. It has the only picture of my mother in it. Keep it. Then you'll know I'll come back " She said. He takes the necklace then let's her go. He swam back. " Where is she? " Erza asked. He shrugs. " She said that she'll come back and she gave me this necklace " He said. Erza takes the necklace and opens it. It's a picture of Lucy's mom. She holds it. Lucy swam down to a place. She dug in the sand and found a box. She brings it back up. She gasps for air. She swam over to the surface where everyone was. She walked over to Lisanna. She bent down next to her. " Hey can you stand up? Or walk? " She asked. Lisanna shakes her head. Lucy sighed. " Would you like to walk or can your boyfriend carry you? " She asked sarcastically. " I wanna walk I guess " She said. " Okay " Lucy shrugged. " I'll be right back " She said. She goes up to her car and goes into the globe compartment. She pulls out a pistol. She jumps back down and points it at her. " Woah woah woah! She said she wants to walk, not float " Mira said. " And why do you even have a gun? " Erza asked. " Stop asking questions " Lucy said annoyed. " Why? " Gray asked. " That is a question Idiot? " She yelled. " Guys what's going on? " Lisanna asked. " I don't know " Erza said. " So what about-- " Levy was saying but Lucy cut her off. " How about you all shut up and let me do my thing! " She said. " I wanna know what this 'thing' is and why your pointing a gun at my-- " Mira was saying but Lucy shot next to Lisanna's face, scaring her and making her jump up. " You missed " Erza said. " I don't 'miss'. I always shoot my target " She said. " Well you missed lisanna " Mira said glaring at her. " I didn't miss her. Because I wasn't shooting at her " She said. " I don't understand... " Lisanna said holding onto Bixslow " Just, follow me and I'll explain everything " She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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