Chapter 5: Misery

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"John!" Paul screeched from the top of the stairs. "John, look at this! Our son's disappeared!"

"W-what?" John came rushing out of their bedroom, clad in a red striped night robe and sheepskin slippers. His eyes were only halfway open and his hair was all shaggy and unkempt. "Paulie, what's going on!?"

Paul shoved the letter in front of his face and started sobbing on the crook of his shoulder. "Oh, John, how could this have happened? We gave him everything, we spoiled him rotten!"

John read and reread the letter very carefully, letting each and every line sink in. George's distinct handwriting was done in fine blue ink, possibly from a fountain pen. 

Dear Mum and Dad,
I'm real sorry that it had to turn out this way. I just got so sick of you two arguing all the time and bossing me around. I wanted to get away for a while, but please don't worry, I'll do just fine. Wait a few days and you'll see me again. Say g'morning to Ringo for me. 

Ringo ran out of his room upon hearing Paul's shrill screams and sneaked a quick peek at the tear-stained letter. His eyes grew wide with confusion. His older brother? Missing?? Now why would he ever pull off something like that!? The poor boy could only stand there with a grave look on his face. "I hope he's okay..."

Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were busy fussing over Pattie's good-bye letter. They were sitting in the kitchen, trying to analyze the "hidden" meaning behind each sentence. They were on their wits' end. They couldn't relax. They couldn't understand why their daughter would just plan to run away like that. 

"Oh, what could've possibly gotten into her?" Mrs. Boyd sniffled. 

"Probably that wretched George Harrison..." Mr. Boyd muttered lewdly. "Ever since she started dating the boy, she's been going crazy over motorbikes and rock n' roll! She's turned into a rebel!"

"Oh, shut up!" Mrs. Boyd buried her face in her bejeweled hands. "Don't say that, dear, you're scaring me!"

"Well, it's the truth." her husband said gruffly. "They're probably at a drive-in cinema right now, being all lovey-dovey to each other..."

"That's it." Mrs. Boyd stood up and reached for the telephone. "I'm calling Paul McCartney."

After about seven rings, Paul picked up the phone and managed to speak in his calmest tone. "Hello, this is Paul McCartney speaking."

"Hello, this is Diana Boyd. I'm Pattie's mother, and I just called to ask if your son George is there?"

At the mention of George's name, Paul broke down again. "Oh, he isn't! Our precious boy is gone! He's abandoned me and left me all alone with my wretched husband! Now what am I supposed to do!? Oh, tell me what am I supposed to do!?"

Mrs. Boyd's face was stricken with horror. So her husband was right: George and Pattie had planned the whole thing.

- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 -Where stories live. Discover now