Chapter-5 Introduction

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All the eyes gazed them as their car entered the school gate. It was a classy car which mostly rich people had. All the people started whispering and talking to each other some even taking pictures and dramatically fainting, not only the students in the ground made a chaos but also the students from thier classrooms sarted peeping out of their classroom. Amongst them ninety percent students were girls than boys.... As usual

Slowly they started coming out of the car and the audience started screaming terribly at the sight

The first one to come out was Soobin, according to the information on the phone I saw as I was scrolling it at the same time

"NANCY!!!---He is the leader of the group" jisoo said as I looked confused

"OOO....KK!!" I said

Then the other two came out

"And they are Kai and Yeonjun... The cutest members...all of them are cute though" jisoo said exitedly

"But the pressing question where was the other two members whom I accidently met" I thought to myself as I was looking around


"Oh no the bell rang" jisoo said grabbing my wrist

She took my hand and ran as fast as possible forgetting about her IDOLS and I just simply followed her like a child and finally reached our classroom.

It was a large classroom with double sided chairs and tables "you have to sit with me" she said taking me towards her seat. Her seat was near the window so I was really happy since I could get fresh air easily

"Do you want to sit near the window??" she asked me as she could see that I was much happy with the window

"Are you fine with it" I asked

"See you are my best friend from now onwards so atleast I can give this much to my best friend.... Right!!!" she said with a cute smile in her face

And she pushed near the window and slided near me and sat with me


And a women entered if I am not sure she must be on her twenties because she looked really young and beautiful also really kind as well she had a gentle smile on her face as she entered the classroom

"She is our head teacher for this year" jisoo said

"She looks kind of---- kind to me" I said

"She not only looks kind but she has a very kind heart" she siad

"THATS COOL....PHEWWW" I said as a breath escape from my mouth

" So you must be new student??aren't you??"

"Yes, I am..."

"Wait where are the boys???" she suddenly asked

"WE ARE HERE TEACHER!!" the boys appeard in the door

The entire class agian started whispering and some dramatically fainting some even stood up from their seats mostly girls

"You may come in" the teacher said

They entered and stood in one line and showed off their faces and literally it did effect the girls in the class even jisoo

"Even the new girl student.... can you come here" she was talking about me

I went straight ahead and stood on the opposite side of the boys

I noticed that all the eyes stared to me with hatred except for jisoo but it did not mater to me that much

"Kindly start with your introduction  students" the teacher said kindly

I started with mine first

"Hello everyone my name is Lee Nancy and today is my first day of school I hope I will be able to make more friends in here" I spoke and looked at my classmates  they were not even listening to me


"Ok next" teacher looked at the boys

"Hello everyone we are the TXT---" everybody started shouting

"SSHHHH....silence everyone" the teacher exclaimed

"We are TXT and we new in this school we hope will can be good friends as a class" the leader of their group said

Such a smart personality I thought to myself

"Ok please introduce yourself individually" the teacher asked

Then they continued with their introduction and headed to their seats as instructed by the teacher 

I was continously looking out of the window, when I turned my head and my eyes met one of the members "I think he is Yeonjun" I thought to myself and then he noticed me staring at him and his eyes met mine so I awkwardly turned towards the window again

"Where is one more member??" the teacher asked to the leader

there is more to come do!! enjoy I kind of added a new picture in the media to experiment out the couple in the story if you like please vote for it

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