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"This is us," she said as she pulled up outside her apartment. She went to grab her bag from the back, but Joey got there first.

"Don't worry about it, I got it."

Thank you," she smiled.

She unlocked the door, flipping the switch to fill the room with light.

"Okay, ready for the house tour?" she said as he put their bags down. "Your standard living room. Don't put your feet on the couch with shoes on, Julia will kill me. This way."

She led him a little further into the apartment, looking back briefly to see a wide smile on his face. "Kitchen. There isn't much to eat, I'll have to go out tomorrow, but you can help yourself to whatever there is. Oh, and be careful if you use the microwave, the timer's broken so if you don't keep an eye on it this whole place could go down."

Joey laughed. "Noted."

"Okay, this way," she said, pointing behind him down the hall, and he stepped aside to let her lead the way again, grabbing his bag from by the door on the way.

"Bathroom's here," she said, opening the door. "I'm not sorry if I use up the hot water."

"Oh, you're one of those people," he said, grinning.

"Hey. My house," she reminded him. "Anyway, that's my room," she pointed at the door on the left. "And this is Julia's room." She smiled up at him, her hand on the door handle. "Your room."

She swung the door open to reveal the - thankfully tidy - bedroom, and let him step in first.

"I know it's late, so I'll just leave you to it," she said, suddenly feeling awkward as she hovered in the doorway. But I'm right across the hall if you need anything."

He smiled warmly at her. "Thanks."

"Night, Joey."

"Goodnight Lauren."

She closed the door softly behind her as he began to get stuff out of his bag, already dialling a number even before she shut the door to her own room, collapsing onto her bed.

"Heyyy Jules," she said, as soon as Julia picked up. "Quick question, do you mind if I have someone stay in your room?"

"What? Aren't you supposed to be home in Michigan right now?" Julia asked.

"My flight got cancelled. Snow storm."

"Then who have you got with you?"

"His name's Joey."

"I've never heard you mention a Joey before," she said suspiciously.

Lauren winced. "That's because I maybe met him today?"


"Shh!" she said quickly, fearing Joey would hear her.

"What is he doing at our place?"

"He didn't have anywhere to stay! And he was so nice, Julia, and-"

"Lauren, you don't know him. What if he's a serial killer?"

"He's not a serial killer," she cut her friend off before she could get carried away. "He's a senior in college, really nice guy. He goes to UofM, Jules!"

"That doesn't mean you can trust him, Lauren," Julia said exasperatedly.

"I just know he's a good guy, okay? He's been nothing but nice to me."

"Of course he has! So far."

"Listen, I promise I'll call you if he does turn out to be a serial killer-"

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