Chapter 1

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"ugh, ¿dónde está Rosario con los anuncios de la mañana?" *

The taxi driver muttered in Spanish, a man in his late thirties, he was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, staring in front of him at the road. Behind him in the back sat a (hair color) haired girl, messing with her phone.

He turned the air conditioner up slightly, then also rolled down the window, it was hot, hotter than normal, which wasn't a surprise since it was already July.

She looked up for a moment, before looking down at her phone.

"Lo siento señor, pero ¿cuándo llegaremos?" *

She asked, looking up from her phone once more. The male looked through the rearview mirror, his eyes held a surprised look in them. His eyes then returned to look at the road, he probably did not expect for this American girl to speak Spanish.

She did not blame him, it was clear that she wasn't Hispanic, or Spanish, her skin color wasn't dark, yet light.

"No pasará mucho tiempo hasta que estemos allí señorita, si puedo preguntar, ¿dónde aprendiste español?" *

He asked, the girl smiled before turning her head to look out of the window.

"mi madre me enseñó, nació en Nueva York, pero su madre no hablaba inglés muy bien." *

The man gave a hum, messing around with the volume button of his radio.

"Tu madre debe ser una mujer inteligente." *

He spoke, the girl's smile dropped slightly, yet remained on her face, she gave a slight nod.

"Sí ... sí, lo era." *

His eyes once again looked through the rearview mirror, his eyes holding this pitiful look, before once again looking in front of him at the road.

"lo siento mucho señorita-" *

She cut him off, waving her hand gently.

"No se disculpe señor, no lo sabía, estuvo enferma durante meses." *

She softly spoke, the man let out another hum, and the silence returned to the car.


"Check one two three..."

The radio suddenly started making noise.

"Check one two three, this is Benny on the dispatch."

The person behind the mic sounded quite nervous, but he had quite a nice voice. The driver sat up slightly, turning the radio up a bit.

"Yo! Atención, yo, attention! It's Benny, and I'd like to mention, I'm on the microphone this mornin' Honk ya horn if you want it!"

The driver shook his head, letting out a chuckle before not only him and a few others honked their horns a couple of times. Upon that the person started to gain more and more confidence.

"Okay, we got traffic on the west side, get off at 79th, and take the left side of Riverside Drive, and ya might slide west End's ya best friend if you catch the lights!" 

The driver cursed, quickly steering his car into a different section of the road, almost hitting a different car that attempted to do the same thing.

"¡Lo siento!" He shouted out of the open window, before looking at the rearview mirror to make sure that his customer was alright.

"Señorita, lo siento mucho, ¿estás bien?"

He asked the was rubbing the side of her head that had hit the window but gave a thumbs up.

"Si, gracias."

Meanwhile, the radio merely continued.

"And don't take the Deegan, Manny Ramirez is in town this weekend, Sorry Dominicans, take Route Eighty-seven. You ain't getting back in again. Hold up a minute-" 

With that, the line went flat for a few minutes until the person returned.

"Yo! There's a traffic accident I have to mention at the intersection of 10th Ave and the Jacob Javitz Convention Center. And check it, don't get stuck in the rubber-neckin', On a Hundred-Ninety-Second, there's a double-decker bus wreck! Now listen up, we got a special guest!"

In the background was the voice of a girl heard, the driver stopped at red light and looked over his shoulder, pointing at the volume button, silently asking if it could be turned up a notch, turned it after the girl had given him a nod, then the lights turned green and he drove again.

"Live and direct from a year out west! Welcome her back, 'cause she looks mad stressed! Nina Rosario, the barrio's best!"
The driver grinned and honked his horns, a few others following along.
"Honk your horns, she's smiling... 'Say hello!"
"Hello! Good morning!"

A girl yelled, then the radio call ended and the ride continued in silence until after minutes it came to a stop. 

"Aquí estamos señorita, Manhattan." 

The driver spoke, she nodded, then reached in her bag and took out some money and handed it to him before stepping out, the taxi driving away to most likely pick up another customer, she looked around moving a lock of her hair behind her ear.

Here she was, Manhatten.

She took out a picture of her bag and looked at it, her (eye color) eyes scanning the picture, this was the only person she had left, and here she lived, that was what her mother had said before she passed away. She sighed, took a deep breath and started to walk.

"Come on, Y/N we just have to find her, how difficult will that be?"

She muttered, adjusting her bag and beginning her journey to find the last living family member that she had.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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