Winter At Canterlot High

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*at Canterlot High the snow blankets the rooftops of the school as students walk into class with their sweaters and mittens*

*Applejack, AJ, Sunset, and Glare are walking into the school*

Applejack- *in awe* Wow.

Sunset- *in awe* Yeah.

Applejack- *calmly* I love winter. Hot cocca, the smell of a new snow, buildin' a fire in the fireplace...

AJ- *calmly admits* But the best part is just bein' home for the holidays with family.

Applejack- *nods* *looks at Sunset and Glare* Isn't that the best?

*Sunset and Glare look at each other in concern then at her*

Glare- *admits* We wouldn't know. We haven't been home for the holidays in a...long time.

Sunset- *looks down*

*Applejack and AJ look in concern*

AJ- *concerned* Right...*curious* Did they have the same holidays back in Equestria?

Sunset- *looks at him* I don't know about the same holidays, but yeah everypony-everybody gets together with their families during the winter.

*the four go to their lockers*

Glare- *admits* Even before we came here, we weren't very close to our family...and the first few years here...we weren't close to anyone.

Sunset- *puts her bag in her locker* We can't blame anyone for not wanting to hang out with us. We did sabotage friendships and manipulate people, after all.

Applejack- *concerned* So you've been alone on the holidays...for all that time?

Sunset- Yep.

AJ- *concerned* That's awful!

Glare- Yep.

*the two perk up and hug them*

Sunset- *hopeful* But don't worry about us!

Glare- *smiles* We've got you guys now!

*the bell rings*

Sunset/Glare- *walks off* We'll see you guys later!

Applejack/AJ- *pulls out their phones* Later you two. *they start texting then puts their phones away* *smirks at each other and walks off*

*in different classes the boys and girls get notifications on their phones*

*later at the library*

Pinkie/Bubble- *using the school computers to update their MyStable accounts when they get caught*

Ms. Cherilee- *smiles* Oh, Pinkie! Bubble!

*the two grin nervously at her*

Ms. Cherilee- *singsong* I hope you two aren't using a school computer to go on MyStable! *walks away*

Both- *nervously* Of course not! *sees the others* Hey guys! Over here!

*the others arrive in the library*

Rainbow- *to Applejack* So what's the emergency?

Blitz- *arches eyebrow* And why not tell Sunset or Glare?

Applejack- *to them* Well, I think they get pretty lonely around the holidays and I think we can help them with that!

Rarity- *smiles* What's your plan, darling?

AJ- Two words. Slumber. Parties. *explains* We should have slumber parties at everybody's houses leadin' up to everybody coming over to Sweet Apple Acres for the holidays!

Rainbow/Blitz- *excited* Yeah!

Elusive- *smiles* That's a lovely idea!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *happily* We'd love too!

Blitz- *admits to them* You know, I don't think we've ever met your family.

Rainbow- *admits* Nope.

Fluttershy- *smiles* Really, well they're-

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* OOH! Us first! Parties are our life!

Applejack/AJ- Ok...

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* Great! We'll go tell Sunset and Glare!

*at Sunset and Glare's lockers the two grab a book and close their lockers to see Pinkie and Bubble grinning at them*

Sunset/Glare- *looks at each other then looks at them*

Canterlot High Holiday SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now