The First Assignment.

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I woke up to a loud zoom. I was very confused about my surroundings. There were 10 beds in the room on each bed a person, in the middle a large table and nothing else besides some desks and wardrobes. I noticed another person walking towards me. She said: hi! Im clarke, who are you? I was kinda surprised someone would talk to me so soon. I answered: hi nice to meet you, im lexa. She just nodded at me. Suddenly the doors opened and alot of people came walking in, they brought us food and essentials like clothes and toothpaste. They all left except one. It was a woman with army clothes, she looked realy tough. She said in a stern voice: welcome to our new program, we will be teaching you how to fight with and without weapons. You will mainly be using knives throughout future missions. Now get ready and settle in. And like that she just left the room without giving us her name. I looked confused around me. Everyone was starting to get dressed and eat. So i decided to do the same. I put on some army pants and a green blouse. I went to eat with the others when clarke came to sit next to me. She asked me if i knew what was going on. So i answered: no im sorry im realy confused myself. After our little conversation the awkward silence returned. But i didn't mind it was comfortable. When we where all done with eating we went to look at the stuff they earlier brought in. I found some more green colored clothes and some black combat boots. I walked to the desk and found a watch wich i emmediately put on. That was all i could find. I went to sit down on the bed when the doors opened. 10 armed people came storming in. One for each of uss. I got pushed against the wall. The man was spitting while talking it was realy gross. He asked me things about my past, when i didn't answer him he slapped me in the face. That was it for me. I hit him right on the nose and he stumbled back. I took my chances and kicked his leggs from underneath him. Once he hit the ground i stomped him a few more times until he didn't move anymore. I looked around me and saw the other girls being treated the same way. I ran to the first next to me, it was clarke and dragged the man away from her. He punched me realy hard in the stomach but i kept on punching back. Once he was on the ground aswel i quikly went to help the others. Luckily many of the girls already knocked down some of the attackers. Once they where al on the ground clarke and some others went to thank me for helping them. Only a few seconds later the doors opened again, i was already in fight stance when the woman, who i asume to be the leader walked in. She told us we did a great job. Now i was even more confused. The knocked down men where dragged out of the room and the hurt people got there wounds checked. They where actually taking care of us. Then the woman asked me to follow her, so i did. We entered a smal office like room. She told me to sit down. Once i did she finally started to explain everything. She told me: you and the other girls are in this experiment where we want to create a smal army of knive and fight experts. Those men you knocked down where send so you could prove to be off use. And you came out to be the most promising. So il be promoting you to comander of the group. Any questions? I nodded yes and asked her: so what is my job now that i am comander? She answered: you will be taking care of the team members and you also wil be choosing the 5 final soldiers. I kinda freaked out but didn't show it to her. So i said: alright il try to do my best miss...? She answered: colonel diyoza.
She led me back to our room and said: until our next little chat. Omve the doors where closed clarke and 2 other girls i didn't yet know the name of came running to me. They asked me what happened. So i told them about my conversation. They where chocked to hear that there would only be 5 girls to become part of the unit. And that i had to choose them. I also learned that the two unknown girls where called raven and octavia, they had become friends with clarke while i was gone. We started to talk about our past, and i learned whe all had it pretty rough growing up. We also decided to come up with our own language in case the colonel had placed microphones in here. She did seem honest and kind but better sure than sorry. We started easy with the new language, only translating a few words. This would be a whole process, but probably worth it. There was a voice who told us to get ready for our first real training. So we put on our boots and jackets, ready to head out. Onve everyone was ready colonel diyoza came walking in. She asked us to follow us. Some where hesitant so i told them it would be okay and we would take care of each other. We where led into a shooting room. Diyoza gave us some instructions. We all got some knives to trow at a wall. Luckily i used to trow knives all the time back in the day. So i trew them al straight in the wall. When my knives where all thrown i decided to see if i could help some of the others. I saw octavia throwing perfectly. So i walked further until i reached clarke, she was struggling a little bit. So i asked her if she wanted some help. She said yes. I took a knive and showed her the stance and how to grip the knive. She looked realy attentive, and asked a few questions. Once she thought she could do it she tried again and threw the knive straight in the wall. She hugged me out of happiness. I smiled and hugged her back. After a few seconds she pulled back and apologized. I said: hey its okay you did a great job, you should be really happy. And i smiled at her. She just nodded shyly and thanked me. I continued to help others and saw this younger girl struggling, i don't know her actual agw but she looked to be around 15. I went to ask her how she was doing and if she wanted a little help. She smiled at me and said: oh hey, im doing fine, well except the knive throwing thats not going to well. I laughed and showed her how to hold the knive. she still was realy confused so i went to stand behind her, i hold her hand and showed her how to throw the knive. She then nodded at me and tried for herself. She threw it straight in the wall, she was so happy she jumped up and down for a good minute. I smiled at her and she thanked me. Only e few seconds later diyoza called me. When i walked up to her she complimented me for helping the others. I just smiled and told her: well im just trying to do my job. She shook her head and said: no i didn't ask you to care for the other girls, but i feel like you realy do. I told her she might be right about that. And she smiled. She called over the other girls and we went back to our room. She complimented all of us for our efforts. And told us food will be served soon. Then she left. Clarke came up to me and tried to apologize again for the hug. U stopped her, hey please it okay, i kind of enjoyed it. She looked at me confused. So i told her: it's been a very long time for me since someone hugged me, so it was nice. She smiled and said: Alright il try to remember that and gave me a grin. Wait is she flirting all of the sudden? I just tried to see it as a friendly gesture. And went to read a few pages of a book until the food was brought in the room. I went to sit down when clarke suddenly winked at me. Okay that's definitely more than just a friendly gesture. And why do i kinda enjoy it? I tried to just start eating and keep my mind from over thinking. When we were all done the table was cleaned and we where told to get comfy, soon the lights will go out. We had a big day tomorrow, or so we where told. I went to change when i felt clarkes eyes on me, i just continued and tried to ignore it. When i was done she walked up to me, and said: you look great. And went to lay down in her bed. I did the same and tried to stop my mind but i couldn't. I fell asleep with mixed emotions and thoughts.

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