The First Impression.

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I woke up pretty early. I didn't realize where i was so i switched on the light and looked around. Then i suddenly heard someone mumble. That's when i realized clarke was there with me and the night before slowly came running back. Clarke opened her eyes and smiled at me. She asked me if somthing was wrong, so i said: no, sorry for waking you. She told me: no, no its fine. She then pulled me back down and we cuddled for a couple of minutes until her alarm went off. I quikly changed and got ready. When i was done clarke was still in the shower. I couldn't help but laugh at how long she was taking. When she was finally ready we went to the kitchen. Octavia was already there and had made us some pancakes. When we ate them we talked about our mission. Octavia said that she was confused about the technical part of the mission. So i tried to explain a little, but raven was our tech specialist so i didn't know everything. She was a lot calmer after the little chat. The others joined us for pancakes and we talked some more. When where all done we went to the targets base. We simply went trough the front door. The receptionist asked us who we where and why we where there. We told her we wanted to join the group. And of course we had to fill in lots of paperwork and there even was a test. We where told to wait until next week for the results. Outside we dicided to split up and find something to eat. I went with clarke. Octavia went with lincoln and raven. The other guys went together i believe. Clarke asked me if i would like to eat at an asian BBQ restaurant. So i answered: yeah, sounds good. When we arrived we where brought to our table and sat down. We chose some foods to grill and some other small dishes. It tasted really good. We argued a little about paying but eventually we decided that i would pay. Even though clarke wasn't to happy about it. I payed and we left for our house. When we arrived we where the only ones back from dinner. I asked clarke if she wanted to watch a movie and she simply nodded. We went to our room and picked a movie. I thougt it was a boring one but clarke realy wanted to see it, even though she's seen it 5 times already. I decided to join clarke on her bed. I told myself i did so because of the better view of the tv, but now that i look back it was because i would be closer to clarke. After a while i decided to just watch her instead of the movie. She was giggling realy cute at some funny parts. Not much later she noticed me watching her. She asked me why i wasn't watching the movie, so i said: ive seen it already, and you are much more entertaining. She giggled and answered with: oh you've seen nothing. This made me blush, and she just smirked back at me. Oh what was she doing to me.. She then leaned in and our lips connected. The kiss grew more passionate and desperate. She pulled me on top of her and kissed my neck. She rocked her hips into me. This made me moan a little. I felt her smirking against my neck. She started to undres me and herself. Damn was she dominant. When we where fully undressed and realy started rocking into each other, i heard the door close. We continued because i wanted her. We both couldn't help but let some moans escape. And only a few seconds later both raven and octavia came running trough our door. Gowd why didn't i lock it.. I tried to cover clarke and myself a little. They screamed in happynes. Clarke yelled at them to leave us. And when they did i heard octavia scream: now you owe me 10 bucks raven! I lauged a little. I tried to get clarke to continue what we where doing, but she said reaven and octavia ruined her mood. So then we just cuddled for a little while. Clarke then got up to get dressed and left our room. Im guessing to yell at raven and octavia. I had a moment to think, so i thought about clarke and i and what that would mean for our mission. I also couldn't help but feel sad that our session was cut short. Damn was she good in bed. After a while i decided to showered and get dressed. I walked into the kitchen for some snacks when raven came running up to me. She said in a fake angry voice: couldn't you wait 2 more days? I laughed, and said: definitely not. She then smirked and said: that good? I simply answered with a nod. After a while Bellamy, monty and jasper also came back from dinner. Of course raven and octavia gave them a detailed description of what they had seen in our room. Bellamy looked mad at me and asked clarke if he could talk to her. She said yes and they left the room. Im guessing it didn't go wel because clarke looked mad and Bellamy looked even more shook and angry. I took clarke to our room and hugged her. She slowly shoved me back after a few seconds. She thanked me for calming her down. She told me what happened while she talked with Bellamy. She said: he yelled at me for moving to fast with you. And he told me he didn't like or trusts you. Then he told me that hes been in love with me since we became friends. And of course i kinda knew but i never liked him in that way. He was so mad that i chose you over him. And.. And.. I noticed clarke getting realy sad, so i said: hey, hey it's okay. If he realy cares for you he will accept being just friends with you, it might take a while but he will understand. Octavia might also help with talking some sense into him. She nodded. I continued: but about going to fast with me, i don't think we are moving to fast, but if you ever feel like we do, just tell me okay?
She then hugged me and thanked me. We stayed in our room for the rest of the evening. I tried to comfort her by being close. I think it worked because she fell asleep not short after. After a while so did i.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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