thanks NOT

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" YOU "

" you.."

Tetsu and Y/N looked at each other in complete silence.

"Sorry bro I'm borrowing this" he quickly grabs the book and walls away.

He did not just..

Y/N looked at books in her hands then walked to the counter slamming the books on the desk. Making the librarian flinch.

"Hey..." she slowly looked at the librarian with a glare "can I barrow these" her tone softens ; smiling at the librarian.

"Su-sure..." he says while checking it out for her.

● ● ●

Y/N was still pissed off at tetsu for stealing the book she was about to get, but never knew his name...well never knew his name correctly. There encounter was very odd...and ending with both of them having negative thoughts of each other.

● ● ●

It was a new day Y/N was on the training grounds. She had permission by the Principal. The time is 3:28 AM Y/N was training for about two hours. She looks done for. Sweating,panting and bruises on her arms. Y/N quirk is White missle. Her quirk works by her eyes glowing and any part of her limbs. The white glowing mist  from her limbs creates solid bedrock bullets and launches at her victim. Y/N uses a technique for her bullet by dancing. It helps her calm down and control her quirk easily. She has limits...if she isn't paying attention to her movements while dancing it can hurt herself real bad. That's why her has a permanent scar on her left upper arm.

DISCONTINUED || His little shining moon (tetsutetsu x reader, female version)Where stories live. Discover now