Noriaki Kakyoin | Pool of Cherries

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It was around 5:30 am, in Egypt. Kakyoin was wide awake. He couldn't stop thinking about his parents in Japan. He's thinking about how worried they must be and where he is and it just keeps him up at night. He sighs and gets up, trying to find something that'll not remind him of his parents. Then, he noticed that there was a trail. The trail was obviously made using his favorite fruit, cherries. He scoffed and turned away from it, knowing that it was a trap. But, there was something about this trail that Kakyoin was curious about. So, he started following the trail, leaving his friends behind and thinking about the outcome this trail will lead to. Will this lead to death? Or even a fate much worse? That was the only thing that he thought to himself during this entire trip. Then, he came to a random hole where the cherry trail has ended. He was skeptical and knew what was going to happen. But, when he turned back and started to walk away, he then turned around to see the hole again, wondering what might be in it. However, he was then pushed into the hole by an unknown attacker. After two minutes of screaming and falling, he fell into the one thing he loves licking... Cherries

               "W-where am I?! This place looks like cherry heaven!"

He cried out, smiling at the fact that the pool was filled with cherries and not razor blades or anything lethal. He lays back as he haven't yet realized that he started to sink within the cherries. When he started to notice that however, he tried to pull himself back up to the surface, but it was too late now! After one more scream and cry for help, he sunk down further into the cherries. He then gained courage and swam up to get air and find a way out. He then notices a staircase behind him and swam all the way there. Once he made it to the staircase, he took a cherry and ate it of course, but he licked it before eating it because, you know. He then ran up the stairs only to find himself in another room with skeletons decorated everywhere

                                    "This room looks sketchy..."

He says to himself, entering the room. He carefully makes his way to the next staircase, thinking that stepping on one of these skeletons could activate a trap. Once he made it, he sighs and then runs up the stairs yet again, but the next room was filled with nothing. He quietly steps in, trying not to make any noise but, he tripped and the sound of his body collapsing activated another trap which cherries started to flood the room, only getting higher and higher as Kakyoin tries to run

"Oh god... What if I don't make it out? What if I'll die from drowning in cherries! This is horrifying! I have to get out!"

He cried to himself as he started to swim. He then made it to the final stairway, smiling with hope and relief as he started blazing through the stairs, finally meeting the Egyptian desert yet again as he used that cherry trail that he followed to make it back to the others. And he was safe and sound with the Stardust Crusaders once more...

                                              The end. 

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