Chapter Six

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Hyunjin POV

I woke up earlier than usual and started getting ready. I finished up, grabbed my bags and put them in the trunk. I still had time to spare so I decided to pick Felix up and drive him to school.

I was about 2 minutes away from his house when I got a text from Binnie:

Binnie: Hey

Hyunjin: Hey....

Binnie: I just thought you would like to know that my mom said I could go on the trip...

Hyunjin: Really?! That's great

Binnie: Yeah, I'm excited...but there is one problem..

Hyunjin: Yeah?

Binnie: I need a ride to the airport, my mom has to work late and can't bring me...

Hyunjin: I can bring you....if you don't mind

Binnie: No...that's perfect, see you in school

Hyunjin: Alright

I pulled up to Felix's house and parked the car. I sat there for about 5 minutes before I decided to go inside. I walked up the driveway and just walked in the front door. I come here all the time, it was like my second house. I walked into the living room to see his mom sitting on the couch.

"Good morning." She turned around the second I said that and looked very happy.

"Thank god your here, I've been trying to wake him up for the past 30 minutes and he won't listen." That's sounded like Felix.

"Don't worry I'll get him up." She thanked me and gave me a muffin, then told me his room was to the left. I already knew this but I thanked her and walked into his room. The second I walked in I was shocked. His room was spotless. I walked over to his bed and tried waking him up.

"Go away mom...I wanna sleep."

"Felix it's me.....get your lazy ass up." He sat up and looked at me with huge eyes.


"Yeah now get ready we are going to be late." He got up and started to get changed I just kinda sat there and waited for him to be done. When he was finished we left the house. I started walking to my car and he just kinda froze.


"Oh yeah my mom bought me a car after I got my license."

"DAMN...SHES GORGEOUS." We laughed together for a solid minute before realizing that we were late again. We got in the car and just started talking about the trip.

"So.....You excited to get close with Binnie." He nudged my arm and winked.

"Shut up Felix...besides, I'm pretty sure he is straight."

"STRAIGHT MY ARSE!" I snorted. Then we laughed so hard that Felix shot coffee out of his nose. We arrived at school shortly afterwards.

The second we entered the front office, the lady at the desk became overly nice and preppy. She gave us our slips and since we had 30 minutes of second period left, we decided to go straight to the lunch room.

We headed to the back where we usually sit, but just as we sat down the photography teacher walked over to us.

"HYUNJIN!" Oh this was going to be fun.

"Yeah?" She looked actually happy and not mad the closer she got.

"Thank god your here...I need you to take more photos for the yearbook." She handed me a piece of paper and told me that the year books were going to be sent to peoples houses over the summer this year. Apparently the kid who was supposed to take the rest of the photos, didn't come to school for the past 2 weeks and now they were behind schedule. She told me Felix could help then just left us sitting there.

The Waterfall // Changjin ~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن