Chapter 1

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Title: Boundaries of Love

Pairings: Zayn/Liam

Rating: PG13+

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. The plot, however, is my own. This story is complete fiction, meaning, none of it has occurred and all events are false.

Summary: A fairy tale begins at its complication, it builds its way up until it reaches the resolution where the two lovers initiate themselves in marriage and live happily ever after. The only problem with this is what lies after the book closes or the film ends. Is it the perfect ending for the married couple or is it for the villain? Liam Payne was in an abusive relationship, beaten, bashed, groped. When Zayn saves him, will it be happy ever after for them or do they fall back into a burning pit of flames. A Ziam Mayne Story.

Warnings: Character abuse, sexual content, bullying, swearing, AU (Highschool)

A/N: Hi guys ! Okay, I hope you all enjoy this! I’m going to be uploading every 2-3 days so I . hope you enjoy this chapter. The new Ziam moments are so amazing, Ziam are getting more and more canon by the day. They look like a legit couple, okay ! Comment, vote, fan etc. Thank you all for your support.!

Chapter One

Liam filled the room with a shaky breath, gulping heavily at the flashback of the previous evening. The words did more harm than Jake had intended them to. Jake only saw the minor impact tthat his words and actions had on Liam, the instant ones like heavy panting and silent whimpers. If he looked deep enough to Liam’s eyes, maybe he would see the true pain he was causing Liam. The marks on his body pained him only in minority in comparison to the scars that the older male had on his heart.

It seemed like one of those stories that often ran through the news. Growing up in a country like Britain, Liam’s parents often warned him of the dangers that living in other countries brought him. Not once did they mention that things that Liam had encountered through a screen could happen to people like him. This wasn’t a story Liam saw on screen, he hadn’t sighted in an article either. This was his story. The story of his life.

Liam’s hands found his hair, grasping it tightly. His head was buried in his knees and eyes sealed closed. His shaky thumb ran over a slit on his scalp, wincing as further pressure was applied. Why would he come crawling back after being treated in such a manner? The answer was simple; Liam had nowhere else to go. Or no one else to go to.

Liam’s eyes rose from his knees, studying the clock face in the corner of the room. As a sixteen year old, he lived with his parents. His mother and father were never aware of the bruises scarring his body; maybe they were but didn’t care enough to take action. Liam’s mother didn’t acquire the traits a usual parent would. Her values were all related to money. Every Wednesday, time was set aside for ‘family bonding’ time. Liam and his sister seemed to be the only participants in these events, his mum just tapped away on her phone ignoring all topics of conversation. Liam was the youngest child in a family of five, Nicola was favoured by his parents as she was the one always earning the highest marks in school. Being the eldest, Nicola was first to move out leaving Liam and his slightly older sister Ruth to fend for themselves at home.

Ruth and Liam had more in common than most siblings; their personalities were alike in more ways than one. Yes, Liam had been noted as the more attractive of the pair and Ruth the smarter, but they shared the same interests, causing a tight sibling relationship. Ruth’s questions as to her younger brother’s questions had all been answered using the other problem Liam faced. Bullying. That was his answers to the scrapes and bruises he earned during the day. That was his answer to the constant flinching and newly quiet nature. It was his answer to who he was at the time.

Ruth accepted this, knowing she wasn’t exactly the most popular girl in school. She was also aware that her parent’s reaction to it all would be nothing more than telling Liam to stand up for himself. She knew the hardships bullying brought, in the end she decided that the acts would harm Liam more than herself.


Liam’s eyes darted to the floor as he and his older sister patted his back reassuringly. It wasn’t the intimating bodies he was afraid of, not the dark stares he was being shot. It was the thought of him. Him being angry with what Liam had done, him becoming unsatisfied with Liam’s current appearance. Liam nodded at his sister, sending her a weak smile.

“Hey, be careful okay? I don’t want my little brother getting hurt,” Ruth told him before giving the brown eyed boy’s shoulder a slight squeeze and hesitantly making her way towards her friends.

Liam shifted his bag on his shoulder, approaching his locker. He gulped heavily watching the large group of boys surrounding the locker beside his own. Liam decided to turn away, only to be pulled back by a firm grip.

“Faggot,” the first boy greeted him.

Liam was too afraid to look up, he winced as another blonde boy moved his hand arm, gripping it tightly. Liam gulped heavily, watching as three more figures surrounded him. The third boy was all too familiar. A well-built body, emerald green eyes, dark brown hair. James.

“Hey baby,” James mocked pulling Liam into his arms and tightly clutching his waist. His hands found Liam’s bum and gave it a slight squeeze. “Did you sleep well?” James asked bringing another hand to the Wolverhampton boy’s shoulder where he knew he had left bruises during the previous night.

Liam nodded stiffly realizing more and more of a crowd were surrounding the group of boys and himself. Liam looked pleadingly up at James, he couldn’t take any more humiliation. He couldn’t get beat any further, it would be all too much.

James roughly pushed Liam to the floor, “My mum told me to share my toys,” he said leaving Liam with his mates and forcing himself through the crowd. Liam watched as James left him alone with three boys much larger than he was. Liam contracted himself into his own body quivering slightly at the thought of his use to the boys.

“So your James’ pet,” The smallest boy spoke harshly tugging on Liam’s hair earning a soft chuckle from the majority of the audience. The boy had hazel eyes and curly hair, he didn’t seem like one to be rough and rude towards others but Liam knew better than to judge on first impressions.

Liamknew better than to object to the statement so he shamefully nodded his head, looking up at the boy with large rounded eyes or more commonly referred to as ‘puppy dog eyes’.

“Look around Liam,” the blonde boy harshly tugged on Liam’s ear, forcing him to face all the people that were surrounding him, “You’re that worthless that no one in this entire crowd wants to help you.”

Liam felt his self-confidence plummet, if it was low before, it had now hit rock bottom. What hurt was that the words could be proven, any of the boys could ask the group a question and no one would volunteer to help.

Liam felt a boot collide with his back side; his arms were now held up by two strong grips that he wouldn’t be able to shake himself out of. Why wouldn’t they stop? Why was Liam their target? He had never hurt another soul, he couldn’t stand the thought of causing another pain yet that never restricted others from harming him.

One of the boy’s slapped Liam’s face, leaving a red print on the right side of his face. Unnoticed by Liam, a thin boy at the back of the large pack was wincing just as much as Liam as every hit was made. Zayn didn’t know the beaten boy; he hadn’t even seen him before. Zayn wondered why the pain of the brown eyed boy hurt him so much. Zayn was one who kept a low profile; he decided those who put themselves in the spotlight would only mess up to get burned. Zayn never had to worry about that.

One of the boys was now holding the kneeling Liam by his face, one hand on either side. He aligned his knee with Liam’s chin looking to the crowd for support. He acquired a few cheers but most of his peers were dead silent. Zayn’s jaw dropped open, he was now stunned at the cruelty of the buffed boys, without processing any of his thoughts, he pushed through the crowd and latched his hand onto the bully’s hand. “Leave him alone.”

The Boundaries of Love - A Ziam Mayne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now