1. Shrek: Donkey x Waffles

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Note: The ship written about, opinions, and dialogue of the characters do not necessarily reflect that of the author. Please do not kill me.

Donkey's POV

We've been watching each other for a while now, her goopy, white sweetness oozing about her as I raised a part of her to my mouth, peppering it with sweet kisses before lightly biting, leaving a satisfying mark on her golden brown skin. More sweet, delectable goop rolled off of her, responding directly to my touch as I decided to go in for a more... Direct approach.

Smiling coyly at her, I began to lick up her sides, nibbling at her edges and smoothing every crumb back into line. That seemed to do the trick. It was like something had awaken in her as she gave in, submitting to my touch.

She peppered my tongue in kisses, each sweeter than the last. Every square inch of her was perfect, however soon she was dry, sapped of her sweet cream. I, however, wasn't done. I kept going, milking it, savoring every moment.

Soon, however, she left me all alone.

Tomorrow. Breakfast. I'll see her once more.

Tomorrow, my love. And I promise, I'll bring extra syrup.

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