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One year ago, i lost the love of my life and we divorced and since then me and peighton cant stand each other

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One year ago, i lost the love of my life and we divorced and since then me and peighton cant stand each other. Yeah i was messing around on her but y'all gotta understand Lana been there for me since i faked my death. and we have an kid together. Peighton been wilding lately and she goen make me slap the fuck outta her. she will always be mine tf she thought.

anyways me and Lana have an dr.appt today. yes i got her ass pregnant again. i didn't mean to but you know me and i aint an deadbeat i always take care of mines. we got to the clinic she signed in and sat down as the nurse called an name

Peighton Jackson!!

Peighton Jackson!!

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it was peigh. i forgot she come here and do her check ups. she got up looking all fine and went in the back with the nurse. "why tf you was staring at her like that, Very disrespectful Kaine" i looked at lana and mugged her and just started playing with my phone. soon as the nurse called her name, my phone started vibrated and it was an text from peighton.

BabymamaPeigh: I need you to go pick up Baby K from school. teacher called an said he threw up the whole day

Bet but why you cant go?

BabymamaPeigh: Because im at my dr appt and i cant right now are you going or not if not i can send amiyah

yeah man ima go and i know where you at i just send your sexy ass walk in the back

BabymamaPeigh: Bye Miguel

i started laughing and waited for lana to be finish so i can go get my son from school and bring him to the hospital.


she came out and was ready to go Peighton never came out yet so i was wondering what was going on with her, so i texted her.

say everything alright?

BabymamaPeigh: Yeah my sickle cell count is low so they thinking about surgery i'll let you know

bet fr let me know

BabymamaPeigh: Bye Miguel jesus

i put my phone down and started driving to baby k. i checked him out and brought lana home so i can take him to the hospital. "lil man not feeling good?" "No daddy my stomach hurts bad" i felt sorry for my son who was in so much pain i texted peighton to meet me to the hospital so we can find out what was going on together. she replied back she on her way and i signed him in and waited to be called to the back.

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