Chapter 21 🥱

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*As you guys meet in the lobby you head over to the second floor where the rides at*
Y/n: okay who's ready 🤪
Emanuel: it's about to go down
* you guys wait in line and then get one the ride*
|you &alex|
|Emanuel& ona|
|vale & carlos|
|random people|
You start to shake because you kind of scare alex grabs your hand and says
A~ it okay I'm here
You grab his hand and brace your self for the ride
*The ride begans to move and it starts going up
V~ ohhh nooo
C*  screams
A~ it's going to be okay relax
* Your up at the top of the ride
And three
It goes down
* you grab on to Alex's hand so tight and close your eyes*
The ride comes to a stop
A~ you okay
He says as he looks at you
You break out laughing
Alex starts to laugh with you and you hug him with releaf.
E~ that was fun we should go again
The girls~ NOOO
E~ okay then let's go to the arcade
Y/n~ yay let's go
You run to the games and Alex runs behind you
You guys play games for 2 hours straight
E~ you guys not going to like I'm hungry
A~ same
Y/n~ let's go eat bubba gump
C~ yes let's go
You guys walked down the strip and ran in to some fans
A~ hey guys
Fan#2~ can we get a picture
Y/n~ for sure
You guys take cute little pictures and keep walking
While you guys were walking this guy bumps in to you
Unknown~ sorry
Y/n~ Nah it's cool
He just keep looking at you while you walk off to the restaurant.
You hold on to Alex's hand pretty tight
A~ whats wrong?
Y/n~ ohh nothing Im just getting anxiety
A~ babe just relax and breath
You breath in and out and start feeling better
You guys get a table and sit down
*once you guys finishing ordering*
Waiter~ your really cute *she says as she points at Alex
A~ umm thank you
Waiter~ you got a girl ?
Y/n~ yeah hi my name is y/n
Waiter~ ohh hi , I'll be back with your food
Y/n~ yeah you do that
A~ babe chill out you act like ima go with her
Y/n~ yeah I know
You kiss him on his cheek and keep having a conversation with the  others once you guys finish you guys go walk down the strip
Y/n~ babe look at the water (cesar palace)
To be continued
Okay let's me say one thing I'm on break so I'll update as much as I can it three weeks 🦋💛

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