Alaska opens up (afterlife)

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Hey there! I know y'all are pretty shocked and wondering how am I talking to y'all when I was supposed to be dead? Well, yes I'm dead. I was always dead from the inside though.Now that I'm finally dead for real I'm at peace. I'll finally be meeting my mother. God, i used to miss her so bad like every moment when i was alive, i was in regret of not dialling 911 back then, cause if i had done it, my mom would still have been alive and on top of it, I forgot to go to the graveyard on 8th jan. God now dont think that i committed suicide(swear on burfriedos i didn't, it was an accident and i was highly intoxicated) but I always wanted to die cause I've always been a mess and I just couldn't live with the regret anymore. Pudge and colonel were my two precious gems (they still are) if you're reading this pudge, let me tell you that you're extremely cute but wait, I still love my boyfriend ;) You guys are the best and I'm forever grateful to y'all for being with me. Colonel,  now you and pudge have to come up with NEW pranks cause I won't be there to suggest (I'm sorry). Pudge gotta search for someone new who'd give cigarettes for 5 bucks. No, please don't cry cause none of you all are at fault. I did
what I wanted and now i have no regrets. Its all over. I might not be there with y'all physically, but soul will always be there for y'all. Alaska Young,that is ME is not going to give upon annoying you both so easily.

Also, Just like how pudge said, matter cannot be created nor can it be destroyed. My presence will be felt. More than missing y'all, I'd be missing those full bottle drinks ;) jk 

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