The Spot .

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Roman had already finished eating and Virgil carried his fries to where Roman was leading him. It was not far from the cafeteria, it was just behind it. The part of the cafeteria where he was sitting had a wall behind it. Roman found an opening through it on it's left. They both squeezed through that small opening and reached a field.

The view was breathtaking.

There seemed to be fresh, green grass, splattered with water which indicated that someone had watered it and a river flowing at the edge of the field. There were willow trees which seemed to glow when the sun shined on them. However, the most beautiful part of it was the wilted tree.

It was very ironic to say that the wilted tree was the most beautiful.

It seemed to be painted with a purple pearlescent colour which did not kill any trees because it had wilted. Virgil had anxiety based on the environment, about how he would soon die because of how inconsiderate they were being, literal forests were burning and he wouldn't be able to live a full life and-

Okay, we have to stop there.

It had beads and diamonds on it, with a cavity inside the tree which was surprisingly clean. It had a silk cloth spread in the middle with two pillows in it for comfort.

Virgil felt two arms on his shoulders.

"Do you like it?"
He turned around and immediately saw his face have a sad expression.
"I love it."
The smile returned.
"Did you make all this?"
"Yes, um..." Roman started blushing.
"That's beautiful."
"Yeah, we can meet here after school if we need to meet at home or something, I thought that it would be our spot."

It was Virgil's time to blush.

"Uh.. Okay, sure. I mean I would love it! Like that's a great idea, I'm just happy that someone is doing this for me and I feel like I'm not worth it-"
"Yes. You. Are."
That silenced him.
They were both smiling, with cheeks that were tinted pink.
"The next period is free, I get all the news before anyone else. We can stay here if you'd like."
"I'd love to."

Virgil was the first one who went into the secret spot inside the wilted tree, followed by Roman. It was more spacious than he thought, not as spacious as a room but not as small as a box. Roman came in and switched the light on. It was a purple and red bulb that rotated so that the lights kept changing. There was also a mini door for the opening from where Virgil and Roman had entered.

"Did you really make everything? How did you have enough time? This would have taken so long!"
"I kinda know how to reach this place this place, even from my home. It was easy to make, actually. I had made the door before and I just had to attach it. The bulb was there at home, the diamonds didn't take too long."
"You can become an architect."
"Yeah, I want to become one. Either that or a mechanic. What do you want to be?"
"A singer."
Roman nodded.

They stayed there in silence for a while. The silence was not awkward, but comfortable.

"Do you have good parents now?"
"Well, I know the news that your previous parents were drug dealers, I wanted to know if you were being treated properly." His tone had a certain firmness which made it sound as if he would murder them if they did anything to him.
"Yeah, they have been treating me properly and are sweet and kind."
"When I had first seen you, I thought that you were one of those egoistic, selfish popular kids." Virgil piped up.
Roman started laughing at that.
"I was overconfident, not popular." Roman said after his laughter had died down.
"What about you? Who did you think that I was by your first impression?"
Roman hesitated.
"I thought that you were that awkward, shy emo who kills people in his free time and listens to My Chemical Romance."
Virgil's eyes widened.
"You thought that I kill people?"
"Yeah, I promise that I wasn't being offensive to emo kids, I just thought that you did."
Virgil laughed more than he ever had in his entire life and Roman joined in.
"All of that is true except for the killing people part."
They both sat there, chatting away until the period got over and they had to go back to their class.
"So, Virgil, we'll meet here after school ends?"
"Sure, Roman."
Virgil was surprised by the lack of negative thoughts he had on that day and returned to class. There wsd only one empty seat and it was beside...


Fate never was on his side, was it?
He had to sit next to James. Muttering a silent prayer to Jesus, he went and sat next to him.

"Here you are, Virgil."
He didn't respond.
"Don't ignore me, it isn't very nice."
He ignored him again.
"Virgil, answer my question. You miss me, don't you?"
"I don't."
"Yes you do."
"Why would you still have a grudge on me if you didn't miss me?"
"Because I hate what you did."
"You wouldn't care about me if you didn't miss me. You still care about hating me, don't you?"
"For the last time, Deceit," James flinched at the nickname, "I do not miss you and I am not going to no matter how many times you try and manipulate what I'm saying into something else. I know your ways and I'm tired of what you did."
That shut him up for some time.
"You call me Deceit when you're lying right now?"
"I'm not lying. I'm also not going to answer you, so quit trying."

The physics class went good, especially when mechanics kept reminding him of Roman and he couldn't keep that smile off of his face. He got up and left James, not willing to ever see his face again.

A/N- So it has been a while, I'm so stuck up on studying, it's like the teachers don't have any mercy. We do not have a lot of homework now, so I might upload here more often and also on my fan account. Also, did you guys get the pun in the title? The spot and there's a full stop which is a spot. Yeah, im very tired.❤❤

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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