Chapter 8

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Im so sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile, i've had to do a five page paper, and two other projects for school :(. I also have to study for finals next week :P wish me luck... anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 8

"I think we should go." Willow said in monotone.

"I don't know! this could end badly! What if they saw us?? they would think we were creepers!.... or stalkers!" I said shrilly.

I knew Willow would get her way, and go to the club. One thing I found out immediately after we started talking was that she ALWAYS got her way.

 Ever since that day Hannah told me to keep away from Blaze, Willow has followed him and his friends around..... counting Luke. She keeps saying shes following them to hook me up with Blaze. I believe her, but I also think she wants a shot with Luke.

I've followed these boys everywhere, I'm surprised they haven't found us out yet. They have caught us a few times but I guess they just brushed it off as a coincidence..... nuh uh, sorry boys not a coincidence at all.

"We're going." she said sternly

I grimaced "but..."

"WE'RE GOING!" she growled.

"fine, fine." I sighed. There is no use trying to change her mind. It won't do any good.

"I'll drive you home, ok?" Willow said as she walked toward her small car.

"Fine." I got in the car and stared at her.

She started the car and started driving me home.

"You know we've almost gotten caught everytime we've followed them." I said as we pulled out of the school.

"Who cares, it would only give them a reason to talk to us, which is what we want."

"I got the impression when we first met that you were antisocial." I said

She blushed and turned her head away from me so I wouldn't notice....too late.

"Well... I still am. I just want to talk to this one person."

"Luuuuke...." I cooed at her.

She blushed harder and hit me hard on the arm. " SHUTUP!" she hissed.

I laughed at her and faced the front. I stared off in space and thought. Ever since that day Blaze stared at me, I could plainly see he had love in his eyes. That blew me away, I liked that he stared at me like that, but at the same time... he doesn't even know me! I've also seen Willow and Luke stare at each other like that, why don't they just talk to each other? Wierd....

We pulled up to my house and Willow started "We're here. I'm going to pick you up at 7 ok? When I get here, you better be dressed and ready to go, if I have to, I will drag you out of this house and take you there by force." she smiled at me and shooed me out of her car.

I smiled and nodded at her before getting out of the car. I walked up to my door and opened it. I walked in and put my bag in the closet.

"Blair?" I heard my dad shout as he walked into the living room from the kitchen.

"Yes, dad?" I asked.

"How was school?" he asked.

"Same old same old..." I replied "Oh hey dad, Willow and I are hanging out at 7, ok?" I've snuck into this club to watch the boys about 5 times now. The owner of the club says that only people above the age 18 are allowed in, but he never kicks us out once we are in there. If we pay, he's happy.

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