I watched the musical just last night and loved it! I was, however, not going to accept the ending. Pemma, Paulkins, whatever you wanna call it, I ship. So here is a (hopefully) semi-decent doc to satisfy those with similar needs.

"Get the fuck away from me - you're not Paul!" I shove the thing off me and bolt.

He runs after me, screaming "La dee da da day!" like some fucking freak. It's scary, that he's singing that. He hates musicals. He hates singing.

He isn't Paul and I hate that the blue shit took him.

He eventually grabs me, as my leg isn't fully healed and I can't run so well, and picks me up bridal style. I scream. He gives up singing and starts running.

"La dee da da day," sing the chorus of people as they follow us. Thank God, they don't know how to run so well yet, and even though Paul is a nice runner he isn't used to my weight.

"Holy shit!" I yell. His smile is gone and he's not singing and he's carrying me and he saved me and oh my God he's so fucking -

My thoughts are interrupted as he throws me into the passenger side of a car. "Use your fucking seatbelt!"

"No shit!" I pull the thing over me and fasten it as he grabs the keys from the clip on the mirror and turns it.

The music is getting louder. "Go go go go go!" I yell.

"I love you but shut the hell up!"

Unfortunately, I don't even have a moment to squeal over his "I love you" like a 13 year old girl. The musical zombies round the corner. As he pounds the gas, I scream while seeing what used to be Ted ripped off the door as we tear into the highway.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my fucking God!" I yell as we burn rubber on the way out.

We're long past the border of Michigan and Wisconsin when the car runs out of gas. The two of us sit there, breathless like we just ran all that way, for a moment before I look at him.

He's still panting, red face in his hands, eyes shut tightly. He's alive. And he's here. And he's not singing.

I unbuckle my seat belt and lean over the seat to grab his red face. Without even thinking, I kiss him full on the lips. He takes a moment to hesitate before pulling me in and kissing me back.


I smile as I think of that day. It was hell, those 2 or 3 minutes of thinking he was infected. In the car on the deserted highway, I felt invincible, like some movie character right before the credits roll. I sure as hell did see fireworks as we pulled away.

We started to walk, and that's how we ended up in Placid, Wisconsin, with identifications for me as Kelly Andrews and three hundred dollars, a land claim, some basic medicines, and a change of clothes for me.

But we're making it work. And I have confidence that whatever the hell comes our way, we can face it. After all, we are survivors of the Apotheosis.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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