𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"nothing from scott or kira." i sigh as me and stiles stood outside of his jeep at the school.
"And nothing from lydia either." he looks down at his phone before putting it away.
"and i still don't know if i passed." malia says from inside the jeep. she gets out and comes to stand with stiles and i.
i give her a reassuring smile and wrap my arm around her. i start to smell anxiety coming from stiles. i glance over in his direction to see him fiddling with his fingers, something he usually does when's he's feeling nervous about something. malia makes another comment but i don't hear it, as i'm too focused in stiles at the moment.
"what's wrong babe? you reak." i move closer to him as maila begins to smell around. she then grimaces and nods her head to agree with me.
"yeah, it's called anxiety." i intertwine our fingers as a way to help him relax.
"should be a familiar scent for you by now, since it's pretty much a constant state for me."
he moves his head to look at me. i lean in and give his a hug and lay my head in his neck.
"why's this thing so important to you?" i mumble from my place on his neck."
"it's not, it's not." he tries to deny, i mentally roll my eyes at that statement.
"it's uh, i don't know... maybe it is." he stutters and begins to run his hand through he's dark hair.
i lean off his chest to look at him.
"i asked my dad the other day about of his high school friends," he begins
"guess how many he still talks to?" i shrug in response.
"none! not a single one." he exclaims while waving his arms around, almost hitting me in the face.
"you know, these were his best friends and he just says he lost touch with them, you know."
i rub his arms as i see him get upset at the thought.
"so, i started thinking about things, like i always do."
"obsessively." i butt in.
he rolls his eyes at that statement.
"yeah, and and so i'm thinking, what if scott's my best friend now, you know, but he's not my best friend for life?"
he looks so distressed and all i want to do is ease his pain.
"stiles." i say softly "you and scott have been through a lifetime of crazy shit together, things that no one else has ever gone through before. there's absolutely no way that you two would ever lose touch." he looks at me with a glimmer of hope.
"you really think that?" he smiles.
"of course i do. it's all part of the plan. the dream." i say as i move closer to him. he smiles as he sees me staring at his lips.
"the vision," he corrects me. "don't mock the vision"
"oh don't get me wrong i love the vision." i glance up to meet his eyes. he gives me a half smile.
"oh yeah?" i move my hands up to his face, my eyes finally meeting his.
"yeah, especially if i'm part of it." he bends down and gives me a kiss on my nose. i internally scream with joy, still not being able to believe he's actually mine.
"so that's why you wanted everyone here tonight." i gently rub his face.
"because you don't want to lose all our friends after senior year." he moves his forehead until it meets mine.
"i hope they don't wanna lose me either."
our lips finally connect after he finishes talking. god he's an amazing kisser. he runs his hands up and down my arms, giving me goosebumps. he smiles at the feeling of them on my arms, knowing his affect on me. even after all this time dating, he still gives me butterflies.
i was so focused on kissing my lover that i didn't realize malia was saying something until i pulled away from stiles for air.
i look over to malia to see her listening intensely to something.
"lia?" i begin to walk over to her when she says, " someone's coming. someone fast."
before i could respond i'm knocked off my feet and i hit the ground with a sickening thud.
"holy shit!" stiles yells as he runs over to help me off the ground.
i groan as he puts his hand under my arms to help me up. as i look up i see liam staring at me with a panicked look.
"liam?" maila walks over to where he's standing.
"scott's in trouble." he pants as he try's to catch his breath.


we make it to the school to see scott being attacked while kira tries to fight off his attacker.
me and malia sprint over to them, despite stiles pleads not to. i hear stiles yell my name again, but it's too late.
the attacker quickly throws me down and slashes my stomach for extra measures. i groan as i feel blood start to leave my body.
i start to heal but not very fast like i used to. i've been off my game since last year during the deadpool when i almost died.
derek says he doesn't think i'll ever fully heal from that.
i hear stiles scream my name bringing me out of my thoughts.
i try to get up but i'm unable to. i hate feeling like this. i hate being weak.
"stay down, it's gonna be okay." a voice whispers to me. a voice i don't recognize.
i hear the fighting continue as my body tries to heal as fast as it can.
slowly i regain my strength. i can smell stiles worry from here. he worries a lot more about me now that i don't heal as fast as i used to. he's been helping me ever since to get me stronger. slowly but surely it's working. just taking more time than i would like.
i hear the commotion dull down as foot steps approach me.
"i got you babe, i got you." he says under his breath as he lifts me off the ground.
i gain some strength back into legs letting me stand on my own, but stiles doesn't seem to notice as he holds onto me for dear life.
i open my eyes and give him the best smile i could muster up to show his i was fine.
he gives me a quick kiss on my lips then connects our hands.
i hear scott in the distance saying something as i slowly turn my head, still in stiles protective arms.
"i don't know who you are or what you thought you were gonna do, but i'll give you a choice." he threatens the bow shaking man. i'll give it to mcCall, didn't think he had it in him. he's tougher than he looks.
"you can stay and i'll break something else," scott breaks another bone of his as the man cries in agony, " or you can run."
scott stops hurting him for a moment. the attacker looks around to us as i give him a devilish look.
"i'd run."
he didn't need anymore convincing as he took off as fast as he could leaving us with the mystery figure who helped us fight.
i cant see his face from where he's standing in the shadows. i feel stiles arms tense around me as the figure walks forward.
as he steps into the light i'm able to see his face clear.
holy mother of god is he gorgeous. nothing compared to stiles, but he's a pretty close second i suppose.
" you don't remember me, do you?" he looks toward scott, then toward me.
" i guess i look a little different from the fourth grade." scott takes a step toward him.
" theo?"
i barley recognize the name, not remembering much from that time.
kira looks over to scott.
"you know him?"
"they used to." he answers for scott.
i zone out of the conversation and study his face.
sure, he's handsome but that's not all. there's something else. something i just can't put my finger on.


"we haven't seen this kid in years." stiles exclaims as we all walk into the school soaking wet. lydia's gonna be so pissed were late and covered in water.
" you don't find that highly suspicious?"
scott looks over to where me and stiles are and gives him an annoyed look.
"i'm kind of more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill me." he turns back around to kira.
i give stiles a look saying "let it go". he huffs but drops the subject for now. letting us focus on normal people problems for once in our lives.
i hear malia squeal in delight as i look over to her.
" i passed! i'm officially a senior!" i grin as i pull her into a hug.
"you deserve this mal." i say softly to her, unable to keep the smile off my face. stiles walks over to us with a smile.
"we're so proud of you, we knew you could do it." i smile at him, unbelievably happy that the two people i love most in the world get along so well.
i hear the sound of heals walking toward us. i immediately know who that is and prepare for her attitude.
"thank god." i hear lydia's annoyed voice say as she approaches us.
i unwrapped my arms from malias waist, but keep one around her shoulders giving it a gentle squeeze.
"where have you guys been?" she looks to our clothes to see them drenched in water from the rain.
scott smiles at her and grabs kira's hand. he looks back towards us and begins to talk.
"are we doing this or not?" he raises his eyebrows.
i laugh and push his shoulder playfully as we all begin to make our way to the library. unaware of the figure watching us from the shadows.

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