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Life goes on after a bitter separation from my biggest dream lady. I saw her once and yet she became part of me. I engaged myself in morning jogging just because I never want to forget that encounter, I always wanted to remember her face because I still have the hope that I will meet her one day.

After 14 good months, I travelled to a state in Northeastern Nigeria for a break, I wish is to always explore the culture and umbworld of various parts of the world. I heard much about the culture and costumes of Bauchi, the development of the small city of Gombe and the glacial weather of Taraba state.

I went for a vacation and as such every evening I used to go out, visit many spots and recreational centers. It was such an amazing moment, seeing people from all works of life and adapting to new cultures just to feel part of the crowd.

After meeting many ladies, with few failed relationships that were as a result of her presence in mind, I decided to go on a break just to clear my head and refocused utterly. She is such an amazing creature that keep my brain busy with the thoughts of the few mins spent looking at her.

Her engrossing smile is what I see whenever I encounter another lady because of how charming it was even thou it lasted for few seconds. Her enticing beauty is all I ever want to see for I failed to see such a perfect creature ever since.

One evening after a brief rainfall with the environment so cool and calm, I decided to went out just to enjoy the weather and took some shots because as usual, in this our sunlit environment,  pictures look amazing without haziness after it rains.

As I dressed up with no idea of where to go first, I was famished and decided to chow down first.  I took my phone and searched Google map for nearby restaurants. It’s surprising to found the first 3 places I checked were all down in such area presumably for some months as there were many dirt and also cobwebbed. I smiled and decided to go on a local way and asked some people by the road side taking black tea to warm themselves, I felt like joining them actually but couldn't due to my situation.

I was directed to a nearby Suya spot as the only place in the area that I can get something to eat at the moment. As I walked down the road, my heart skipped a beat which I had no idea of the cause. My body start to react and to my thoughts, it’s just because I was hungry and I rushed down to the place.

I ordered some snacks immediately after being told there was nothing heavy to eat but some snacks, chicken and my favorite, fish. It was a cool place with less population and actually a nice place for a date.

Before I was served, I was just secretly staring at few couples in the place and I felt like a lone wolf in the midst of such people. I was the only person alone but all that matters to me at the moment was to put to mouth some snacks and coffee.

I was served and started eating immediately. After few mins, I was back to my complete self but yet I realized that my heart was still pounding and at the moment very fast. I start to wonder what might be the cause of this serious throbbing but couldn't figure it out. I stayed calm and resolute just to have some peace.

Then the beat increases and my attention was carved by my crush car (BENZ c300 4matic) that was parked at the entrance of the joint, it was a black nearly brand new car, with clear glasses that got no any tint with two people well dressed and perfect in it. The guy came down first followed by a beautiful, gorgeous and perfectly shaped lady with exquisite countenance facing the other side.

Her hair that was partly out of her faultless placed head tie and she was looking so ravishing and alluring. She is tall and as well slim, in her native wears she appeared. And from a far you can see nothing but special creature. Unknown to me that I wasn't the only one blinded just by looking at her from a far.