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"Thanks for the tea" He spoke in a soft tone.

"You're welcome"I smiled.

He got up and hugged me for the last time,grabbing his blue blazer and hugged me Again.this time it was tighter but was gentle.

He must be lonely,he keeps hugging me.
The next morning.I woke up in bed  with my hair sticking up everywhere,Ugh talk about a bad hair day.

I hopped inside the bathroom and took a good long soak in the bathtub.letting the nutrients from the rose petals sink into my skin.

Just as I was sinking ,my phone stared ringing but I left it on my night stand.

It's probably nothing,relax.

After a minute or so I stepped out the bath tub,wrapping a towel around my damp body allowing it to soak up all the water that was present,I eventually left the bathroom and checked my phone.

It was an unknown number.

Who could it be?I never gave my number to anyone.

I was deep in thought when my phone ringed and buzz causing me to jump.

Can you come down to the lobby?

I was hesitant about texting this  person back but my fingers moved on it's own and clicked the send button instantly.

First of all,who are you and second where the fuck did you got my number.

I placed my phone back down on the night stand and decided to change into an outfit,somehow I was giddy and jumpy at the thought that someone,A stranger got my number and texted me.

Oh god,what if they're kidnappers?or worse organ thieves?!

My mind rambled on and on about the possibilities that it could muster up.

After settling for a plain white shirt, a high waisted pants paired with a black belt and white Fila shoes;I decided to put on light Make up,only a dash of red tomato colored blush,powder,mascara and a tomato tinted lip tint.

My phone buzzed again uncontrollably,I grabbed it and saw the unfamiliar caller ID flashing on the screen;reluctantly pressing the green button,I answered the call from a stranger.

[h-hello?] Stupid Savannah!why did you stutter?they're gonna think that you're scared of them.

[Hey,you probably don't know me but I wanna talk to you,please] the person on the other line sounded rather masculine and that legit scared me half to death.

[I'm sorry but I don't agree to meet up with strangers bud] I huffed plopping myself on the silk satin sheets of my bed.

[give me just one minute and I'll explain everything to you]He pleaded.

I went silent and thought about it for a minute.

[hey are you still there?]He asked.

[Ugf! Fine but no funny business,ya hear?]

[Yes!Yes!I promise I won't do anything stupid!]He praised.

I ended the call and got off the bed;walking across the room, exiting the master's bedroom and into the living room.

I grabbed my keys and a tiny bottle of pepper spray from my bag in case of that man tries to pull something.

Once I was out the door,locked it and began my journey to the lobby;pressing the G button on the elevator I waited for the doors to open.

After a minute or so the doors opened to reveal Mr mystery hero that saved me last night,he wore a grey suit with a red tie patterned with golden crowns.

"Oh hello!" I greeted,entering the elevator and stood beside him.

He turned to me and flashed me a cute smile,his dimples showing.

"Hey" He simply greeted.

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