Chapter 2

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Nova's POV

My eyes flutter open as the sun beams through the green curtains. Yawning, I push my blanket off me and swing my feet over the bed. I walk to my dresser and get into my usual winter clothing. The horn blows, signaling for every fairy to get to work or school. After pulling on my worn out shoes, I fly out of the door. Literally.

"Good morning, Nova! How are you?" Mr. Alfred, my boss, asks as I enter the stone building. I look up to him smiling, "Good, thank you."

"I would like you to try and make the fly speed potion today. I would like it done tomorrow" He assigns me, handing over the crumbled and stained paper with my instructions written on it. I look it over before nodding and flying over to my work area.

Working for the Elixir Shop as an elixir/potion maker can be hard work at times. Just like now. As I search for the right mixtures and ingredients, my closest friend, Meredith comes over and greets me.

"Hi there, Nova! How are you?"

I smile warmly looking over to here, "good, thanks! Say, would you happen to have any 'Wood Water?' I don't have any and need it for a speed potion." Her smile falls into a small frown, almost unnoticable.

"No, sorry Nova, you're gonna have to go get it yourself, knowing none of the other fairies will give you any."

I sigh, hey I suppose it's a good thing though, I'll have a little bit of time to myself. "Dang, okay, thanks" I say and make my way over to Mr. Alfred's desk.

"Yes, Nova?" he says, looking from his glasses up to me. "I need to get wood water, may I go out and fetch some?" I ask.

He nods in response and I smile, happy I could have some quiet time.


I know I am soon near the lake as I can hear the waterfall in the distance and the smell of salt water fills my nostrils.

As I soon arrive to "Wood Water Lakes," I grab the wooden water bowl out of my hand and then kneel down, scooping the water up into the bowl. The sound of leaves rustling makes me jump. I stand up carefully, looking around.

Probably the wind.

I cover the top of the bowl with a piece of paper then start walking back towards the town. Suddenly, the sound of quiet whimpering and leaves rustling fills my ears, breaking the comfortable silence. I stop in my tracks, looking around.

"Hello?" I gulped. Without thinking, I start walking towards the sound. "Hello?" I repeat as the sound gets closer. This isn't the wind. It can't be, the wind doesn't whimper. I feel myself start shaking. I try taking deep breaths to calm myself down, but it doesn't seem to work.

Peeking around the tree, I notice a figure laying on the ground. My heart skips a beat at the sight. Who could that be? They may be hurt..or it's a trap.

I swallow roughly and start walking a bit closer which is probably a stupid idea.

I stop in my tracks, dropping the bowl of water, my eyes widening and my jaw dropping.

Right in front of me was a human. A human. Humans aren't aloud in CrystalWood. How did she even get in here?

I open my mouth to speak but it snaps back shut as the human-girl jolts her head over to me her eyes wider than baseballs. She starts moving backwards.

"I-its okay..I won't hurt you!" I quietly say, still in disbelief and shock. The girl stops and looks around.

"Who are you?" she asks, her voice quiet and uneasy. I walk over to her, still shaking. "Nova" I reach my hand out to help her up. She unsteadily drew out her hand and took it in mine. I pulled her up.

"C-Cassie" she nods, brushing herself off and looking around. "W-what are you? Where am I?" she questions.

"You look hurt, look you can come back to my place and I'll explain everything to you..besides how you got here because I have no clue how you did so" I tell her. As she stands still, I guess thinking for a moment, I rake my eyes up and down her, taking in each detail.

Her long brunette hair was all messed up, her tanned skin all dirty, and her clothes full of mud and leaves.

She nodded her head a few moments later. Cassie starts walking ahead of me, limping and whimpering everytime she stepped down. "Are you okay?" I ask. She turns around and looks at me.

"No, but I'll be fine. Where's your house..or whatever you call it?" she asks, nervousness still clear in her voice. I fly over and pick her up bridal style, causing her to squeak. "Get off me!" she squeals, jumping out my arms and then falling into the leaves and dirt. "Ouch!"

I giggle, but then cover it up with a frown as I pick her up. "I think you're better off in my arms, trust me. We'll get there quicker and you won't hurt as much" I assure her. I pick her up bridal style once again, making sure to position her comfortably.

It takes a few seconds to get used to the unusual weight, but I get the hang of it quickly.


As soon as I get closer to town, I figure out a short cut so that no one will see me with a human. If you're seen with a human or you are a human in CrystalWood, you could get hurt or even killed. I fly as quickly as possible, trying to avoid any contact with another fairy.

We arrive at my small house, I slam my door and lock it quickly and set Cassie down. She looks around, her eyes wide, looking around. "Woah.."

She limps over to the small wooden statue that I made when I first came here and the shelf with all the different potions I've made in the past. "I suppose I can explain where you are and everything.." I say, looking at her carefully, making sure she doesn't touch anything. Cassie nods.

"I would like that." I gesture for her to sit down on the log chair. Cassie limps over, sitting on it looking uncomfortable. I shuffle over to her awkwardly. "Sorry..have nothing else that's comfortable.."

"But, I'll tell you about where you are and stuff. Basically, you're in Crystalwood, a town or huge village full of different fairies. No you. Um, and humans aren't technically supposed to be here, you could get severely hurt or even killed," I explain to her, watching her each and every move. She shifts uncomfortably at the mention of her getting killed.

"So, just try not to leave" I say. Suddenly a knock on my door has me jumping higher than a mountain. "Look, you're gonna have to hide," I whisper, flying over and picking her up using all my strength. I put my hand over her mouth to cover her squeals. "Sorry," I mouth as I close the door behind me.

"Yes?" I say opening my door. My eyes widen as I see Mr. Alfred. Shoot, I forgot about work!

"Forgetting something?" He annoyingly asks. I swallow roughly, "yes, I'm so sorry Mr. Alfred! I got caught up in something- and hurt my foot.." I lie, scanning his face but no emotions show.

"Wings?" he says in a "duh" tone then raising his eyebrows. "Oh..yes, right, I uh- when I fell I hurt them.."

Mr. Alfred raises his eyebrows and sighs, "I'll let you off the hook this time, Nova, but next time, I'm not." He flies away sloppily and I shut my door, groaning. Of course I forgot about work!


(A/N: Weyhey, I'm Grace. I know this chapter is kinda short, sorry. I'm kinda busy this week and have no time to write! But anyway, hope you liked the second chapter, loves! <3 x)

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