Chapter 24

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Liv and I continue to improve at our new gym for about a month. Eventually they decide to let us compete in the next competition along side our new team.

We have both improved a ton. Liv now has her tkatchev in between the set in her routine, I got my full in back on the floor, and I even got my standing Arabian on beam. However I'm not going to be competing either of those this weekend. Rachel and Cliff think I should save them for a different competition. There was even another new girl who came named Mia. She and Mattee become very close very quickly and we've had a few sleepovers all four of us.

Today is Friday. We only have a morning practice today so we can be ready for the meet tomorrow.

I'll admit, I'm a little nervous for the meet. But on the other hand, I'm excited. This is my first chance to prove that I really belong here. That I am part of this family.

I work as hard as I can during bars. I try to make sure that I have rhythm in my swings and height on my releases. Franko takes notice and gives me a high five at the end of the rotation.

"Awesome job Mickey! You have been doing amazing since you've gotten here. If you do what you just did here at practice at the meet, then I can guarantee you a 9.6-9.8 score."

I smile. I knew my hard work would pay off.

"Thank you." I say.

"Anytime. Now go on to beam."

I make 5 routines in a row on beam. My last one was definitely my best.

"Great job Mickey!" Rachel says.

I smile. This is turning out to be a pretty good practice.

As I turn around, I see Liv. She's getting ready for her dismount.

"Come on Liv!" I shout.

She sticks the dismount flawlessly.

"Good job Liv." I say. I walk over to give her a hug.

We go through floor and vault ridiculously quickly. Then we have conditioning, but Cliff wants us to just stretch out our muscles because we have a meet tomorrow. I stretch with Liv, Mattee, Ella, Caitlyn, and Kristin. We talk about the meet, new skills, and even what we want to do after the meet.

"We should go get dinner after the meet!" Ella says.

"Yeah definitely!" Mattee says.

"That would be so much fun!" I say.

"We can talk more about it at the meet tomorrow!" Caitlyn says.

Yep. We made the right choice coming to this gym.

"Bye everyone!" Cliff says. "Remember your grips and tape for the meet tomorrow!"

As Liv and I walk out the door, we talk about how practice was. While we talk, I think about the meet. I'm excited for this competition in particular. It's time for me to prove myself.

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