ready for war

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2 months after the last chapter

Jamie has been on NXT for quite some time due to teaching and independent shows until the second week of televised shows.


Tegan and Dakota come back from their #1 contenders match for the WWE woman's tag-team championships and  bump into Jamie before he gets ready for his match 

Dakota: hey there you where you been? haven't seen you since we taught at the center.

Jamie shrugs: I've been around. been teaching at the UK center been doing some matches for small promotions so they don't shut down. I've also been talking and chilling around GTS.

Tegan: wait why can you show up in the indies and be apart of NXT without getting in trouble

Jamie: it's part of my contract if I'm not needed while part-time I'm allowed to work anywhere. plus Triple H is ok if I help people get better and suggest they go to tryouts.

Dakota nods and takes a small step: oh ok that sounds fun but hey I'll see you later gotta go see the trainer I think i banged up my leg.

Tegan: do you think you can make it or should I come with you?

Dakota: no it doesn't hurt that much plus I know you two want to talk and stuff.

Jamie looks Dakota up and down a little confused then eventually nods 

Jamie: well ok if you need help we'll be here before my match.

Tegan: yea I'll meet you there when he heads out.

Dakota smiles and nods while walking away

Tegan and Jamie turn to each other and giggle 

Tegan: hey 

Jamie: hey

Tegan: so did you watch everything that's been going on.

Jamie: some of it, I found out we have the cruiserweight championship here now, you and Dakota have a title shot and rhea and Shana are making teams for wargames.

Tegan: you're right. All that happened and don't tell anyone but I think Rhea is gonna ask me and Dakota to be part of her team.

Jamie: well that's great you guys are getting that push. you guys deserve it. 

Tegan giggles: thank you maybe since your back Champa will ask you to join his team.

Jamie: That would be cool but I don't think I would go unless something happens to actually make me.

Tegan: ok who are you up against anyway?

Jamie: I think ether MattRiddle or Rodrick Strong.

Tegan: oh well that's gonna be a good match.  good luck.

Jamie smirks and  starts to head to guerilla then turns and walks back to Tegan 

Jamie: thanks but what's this?

Tegan: what's what 

Jamie: the gear. caption marvel right? you think people wouldn't realize. looking all good and shit. 

Tegan smirks and blushes: well I know you like superheroes so I kinda took inspiration from what we have seen from our first date up to now.

Both Jamie and Tegan laugh and just stand there hanging out with each other until a production manager walks up.

producer: hey Jamie your match is up in next.

Jamie: oh shit ok didn't know we spent that much time just chilling here for this long

love shinier than a wizard (Tegan Nox x OC )Where stories live. Discover now