Chapter 1: A Life Changing Death

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                                                                             (Cassidy's POV)

     It's five in the morning when I come in from my morning run, I always run that early because that's when no one is out yet so there is no one to see me. Now I am going back inside to take a shower and then start back on my school work.
    I go to unlock the front door, I always lock it when I leave because my mother is still sleeping, just to see that it wasn't locked. I just thought that maybe I forgot to lock it when I left. I push the door open to see my mother laying on the floor seizing. I immediately grab my phone and call for help. I can barely speak to the operator I'm crying so hard. My mother, she was my everything. She was my best friend, my happiness, my light in a dark room, the person that knew me better than anyone else, and kept me safe from a world of judgemental people. I don't know what I am going to do.
       Everything begins to move in slow motion as EMS begin rushing in, some pulling me out of the room to keep me from watching my mother die any longer. I collapse in the corner of the room that the EMS people pulled me into, that I realized was my mother's room. I continued to cry and cry. I tried to move or talk or anything... But I couldn't. It was like I was paralyzed, I was so in shock that nothing anyone could do or say could make me move from this position.
       As I finally am able to move, I realize that all of the people in the room before have left. Now, all that is in the room is my Aunt Mary, the last person I want to see right now.
      Aunt Mary, my mom's evil, terrible sister. She hates me, I have never known why. Maybe because she needs  all of the attention and when I was born my mom had more attention on me then on her.
     My father has never been in my life, as soon as he found out mom was pregnant he left and no one in town has heard from him since. I really don't want to meet him anyway, I don't know what I would say if I did.
    I am snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a slap across my face.
    "Get yourself together Cassidy!! What in the world do you think you are doing? You are not going to put this reputation on our family name!!" I hear come out of my Aunt's loud mouth.
    I cannot believe what I am hearing. Is she really yelling at me right now after I just witnessed my mother die. Wow. I still just cannot even speak to save anything. I just run past her and out the front door. Not noticing how dark it is outside until I get into the woods. Wow. Was I really inside that long, that it is already night time?.. Hm... I must have fainted or something, there is no way time passed that fast while I was conscious.
    I sit down with my back to a tree deep in the woods. And I begin to cry once again, thinking about how I will never see my mother again on this Earth. I cry and cry, I cannot believe my mom is really gone. I get up, shaking off my thoughts and transform into my werewolf form. I was so busy crying that I did not hear the crinkling of leaves, from someone else walking closer....

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