2.Hidden truths

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Donna's POV

"Where are you going Donna?" My husband Steve asks.

"To the hospital." I answer him as I wear my jeans.

"Your neglecting me Donna. It's like I'm not important anymore. This last week has been..."

"Neglecting you? I've been at the hospital with our dying daughter."

"I'm your husband." He states and I nod.

"Yes and she's my daughter."

"Yes and you can't help her Donna, your not a bloody doctor! That's why we took her to the bloody hospital! To get her professional help. So leave it to the bloody professionals to help her!" He shouts emphasizing every point.

"Your right Steve I'm not a bloody Doctor but I am her mother." I say angrily and slam the door as I exit.


Alesia's POV

"Oh no." I say..

"What's wrong?" Eric asks.

"My parents are gonna be back soon you need to leave." I say.

"Why it's not like they don't know me." He counters.

"No but they might think I told them to leave because I wanted to spend time with you." I say pushing him off the bed.

"But didn't you." He asks.

"That's not the point." I say. "I don't want them to think I'd rather have you here than them."

"I understand Lis." He says and I give him the pizza box.

"Throw that out too, will you?" I say and he nods taking the box.

"See you tomorrow Lis" he says and I wave.


Eric's POV

It's getting worse today when I kissed her I felt nothing.  I walk to my car and drive to Betty's a dinner close by. I walk in and spot Danielle seated in a booth I sit opposite her and she frowns.

"Where have you been Eric?" She asks and I shrug.

"Here,there,everywhere." I say and she nods.

"I know you were with her." She says practically stabbing her bacon with her fork.

"You spend more time with her than me." She says and I laugh.

"Your jealous?" I ask intrigued.

"It's just not fair." She pouts.

"Danny relax you have nothing to worry about." I say placing my hand on hers.

"And why is that." She asks retracting her arm.

"I told you before I only love her as a sister." I say taking her hand.

"And why can't you tell her that?" She asks.

"It's not that simple Danny she's dying and I don't wanna be the one to break her heart."

"So it's okay to break mine." She asks and I shake my head.

"You know I love you. It's just that with her it will be twice the damage cause you never know when it's gonna stop beating or what's gonna trigger it. I don't wanna be the cause of her death."

"You should have broken up with her before you knew she was sick." She complains.

"I know, but I didn't realize I didn't love her until it was too late." I whisper but I'm sure she heard me.


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