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After an hour of monitoring the cameras and seeing little to no movement, I begin to get suspicious. Usually the animatronics are up and running by twelve. I brush off the suspicion and clear my head.

The stage is still, and so is Foxy's cove. I slide open a drawer in my desk and hastily grab the flashlight. Still monitoring the cameras I get up and out of my chair prepare to search the area. Have the animatronics been tampered with? Lights in the hallways flicker and the leaks still drip water. I step out into the hallway that brought me chills and turn on the flashlight. The flashlight's beam brings me comfort and security as a new line of sight as been opened.

As I creep down the hallway I notice a vent close to the ground, a terrible smell is coming from it. The bolts which once held it closed were dislodged and on the ground. With a small amount of force I pry the vent open. Equipped with my trusty flashlight and tablet I crawl inside.

The horrible odour fills my nose and clogs my thoughts. Stains are spread across the vent and small, dry red marks paint the disgusting space. As I approach the other side of the vent the smell gets worse and worse. A light glimmers outside of the grated vent, with my foot I kick the barricade blocking my exit from the vent. The thought of getting to the other side was almost lost to the amount of resistance the barricade was enforcing. Until one final kick forced it open and escape was allowed.

I crawl out of the confined space and was greeted to what appeared to be the kitchen. The confines I was used to were subverted as I took a look around the large area. I had never seen this part of the restaurant as it doesn't have a camera present inside. After closer examination I found the source of the stench. A dozen of rotten eggs which were going to be used for a cake until they obviously became rotten.

After a underwhelming analysis of the room, I crawled back into the small vent and made my way back to the office.

After creeping back into my room, I observed the cameras. In the corner of the dining area a tall, human like figure waited. It's face concealed by the darkness. It was wielding a wrench. Fear consumed me, at my time at Freddy's I had felt relatively safe considering I had large metallic doors blocking the entrance to my office which could be opened and closed at the push of a button. But now that a real human was lurking in the shadows, all that sense of security was void. I knew in my mind that I would have to confront them, as for all I know they could be breaking or tampering with the robots. The dark figure still remained in the corner, motionless.

I forced myself out of my chair and reluctantly walked down the hall...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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