Chapter 1: The Beginning

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With it being as late was it was it sure surprised the hell out of Travis when the bell to his apartment rang, Travis knew he was getting a new roommate but he didn't expect them to come at 3 in the morning.

Travis had been living on his own for quiet some time now his parents and family left him homeless at the age of 16 once they found out he was gay, leaving Travis to fend for himself and get a job being a bar tender, a job you wouldn't expect from someone like Travis he was average height being 5'7 with white hair that was short on the sides and long on top with a sharp jawline and icy blue eyes and freckles to compliment his face he is an extremely attractive 22 year old, but either way Travis needed company he found it quiet sad living alone and having nobody to greet him as he returned so he put an article online talking about the place he had on offer.

Travis tiredly got off of the couch where he was binge-watching Orange Is The New Black, getting up he slowly walked over to his apartment door grabbing the handle he twisted it and with a creak the door opened. Now what he didn't expect was the man that stood there in front of him Travis knew his name was Lucifer which he found odd but he did ask why he was named after the Devil but all he got was nothing, now Travis had thought about what this guy might look like but nothing he thought of came anywhere near what was standing in front of him. Lucifer was insanely tall Travis would guess around 6'6 a lanky but semi built build with insanely dark brown hair that you would think that it's black it was shaved on the sides and left short at the top similar to Travis' hairstyle but Lucifer's was pushed back showing his unique coloured eyes, them both being a silverish but his right eye had some brown in it, Travis couldn't keep his eyes off of him scanning his body he noticed that the man had tattoos on his hands and neck Travis couldn't see if Lucifer had any other tattoos as what he wore covered up every other part of his body.

Travis was pulled out of his little dream world when the man spoke "You're Travis right? Hope I didn't get the wrong place" his angelic voice flowed through Travis' ears that he didn't notice the little smile the played on Lucifer's lips "I ahh yeah I'm Travis" he stuttered being caught off guard by the fact that this man will be his new roommate. Travis moved to the side extending his arm in a gesturing motion telling him to enter, following the taller male Travis noticed that he had little to no personal items, no boxes or suitcase the taller male only carried two bags with him, shaking his head once again Travis quickly walked in front of Lucifer when they entered the main living room of the apartment.

The apartment itself was quiet modern and reasonably large, the main room itself was the largest holding the tv and couch along with the kitchen to the right of when you walk in and the left a place to put your shoes and coats the giant room also led to a balcony on the right side aswel and at the back another hallway that led to the two bedrooms with bathrooms attached and another spare bathroom for guests and a study room filled with bookshelves computers and many other bits and bobs.

Lucifer was quite impressed, a hot roommate and a nice place what else could he want? Well, the roommate. He knew what this feeling was but he hasn't felt this in decades but he knew this time was much stronger than the last, so what about a little flirting, it wouldn't hurt anybody right? And he could already tell that the white-haired male fancied him, he just has to play his cards right.

As they continued their way through the apartment Travis giving the tour to Lucifer telling him where things are, they soon came up to Lucifer's room "This will be your room, you can change it to however you like, we can go shopping later if you need anything" Travis said whilst opening the door soon turning and walking towards the living room.

Lucifer looked at the very plain and boring room taking in everything, it was a decently sized room with a king-sized bed a walk-in wardrobe with a door leading into the bathroom that is attached, how the human managed the get an apartment like this would be something he would have to ask Travis, Lucifer laid the very few items he had and went off to where he last saw Travis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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