Chapter 1

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Eun-ji slowly opened her eyes and checked her phone to see if she could get up and begin to get ready. Shaking her head at the thought of her sleepless and boring night, silently cursing her insomnia for getting the best of her yet again. Deciding she could get up a little earlier in order to look almost presentable Eun-ji slid off the end of her bed and dragged her tired body into the shower. Once she finished showering Eun-ji slipped back into her bedroom to choose an outfit to wear for the day. Deciding on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a baggy yellow jumper, Eun-ji applied a light dusting of powder to her face in accompaniment with a large black wing of eyeliner and nude eyeshadow. Looking at her phone after her morning routine, Eun-ji sighed as she realised it was nowhere near the time for her one true friend to be waking up. Sighing, Eun-ji made her way out of the house and to school where she proceeded to finish up her Physics homework set the night before.

Looking out of the window during class was all Eun-ji could do to try and stimulate time to run faster so that her friend would wake up. With the time difference they both shared it was hard to believe that two people could become so close but Eun-ji held a special bond with Nari that couldn't be replicated by anyone else. Lunch finally came around and Eun-ji was finally free to go home since she had no more lessons for the rest of the day. For now, all she could do was go home and practice her ass off for her audition later on in the day. A large grin spread across her face as she looked at her watch and knew that Nari would be awoken by her multitude of alarms soon enough. Chuckling at the amusing image running through her head, Eun-ji put in her headphones and began her walk home from school.

No sooner did Eun-ji step foot into her house, her pocket vibrated with a new notification. Eun-ji smiled knowing exactly who it was and opened up the message immediately. 'Good morning' a message was sent into the group chat. Jumping onto her couch, Eun-ji hastily replied to her best friend's message in hopes she would reply soon.

Right before the text was sent Nari woke up to her alarms blaring through her room. Sighing for the third time already since she had woken up, which had been mere minutes ago, Nari sat up in her bed and waited for her vision to clear. Once her vision had cleared, Nari proceeded the harrowing mission of finding all of her alarms and turning them off, after doing so she slowly walked to her bathroom in order to prepare for another day in hell. After a long hot shower, Nari checked her phone and messages in the group chat. Soon enough Nari notices that her message had been replied to, she smiled at the the thought of her best friend.

'Finally it's morning there.' Nari reads from her closest online friend Eun-Ji.

'Yes, I'm off to hell' Nari sends a quick reply, chuckling at her own innuendo for school.

A few days ago both girls were contacted by a company that wanted them to audition for a project where they would subsequently become foreign exchange students. They would have to move to South Korea to study at a school there and become trainees at JYP. Both girls were desperate to go, however, one major setback kept them from reaching that goal, their parents.

Eun-Ji received the news first and once she returned home she told Nari about what happened. As Eun-Ji was reading the information the front door opened and in walked Eun-ji's parents. Eun-Ji quickly explains to her parents in one breath about the program. After some discussion Eun-Ji convinced her parents to let her to go to the audition.

Nari thought about the offer, her nervousness and lack of self-confidence could become a problem in the future. Nari slowly walked home from the bus stop while reading the papers that have the information on it, she had seen earlier in the chat that Eun-Ji had managed to convince her parents to let her go. This was a risk Nari wanted to take but that means asking her parents. When her parents got home she noticed they were unhappy with work so she waited until after dinner. Nari showed her mother her papers ready to get yelled at, soon enough Nari was hit with backlash from her overbearing and extremely overprotective parents.Nevertheless, after a long discussion and a few spiteful comments Nari had successfully convinced her parents to allow her to audition for the program. Excitedly, Nari rushed up the stairs, jumping face first on her bed and giddily typing the news on her phone in order to share it with Eun-ji. Knowing that with Eun-ji's insomnia she was still awake.

'Guess what Eun-ji ... I managed to convince my parents to let me audition too! We may finally get the chance to see each other at last!' Eun-ji bounced off her bed the next day with pure joy when she read the excitable message from her best friend. Never had Nari been able to convince her parents to let her go to the UK in order to visit her best friend! But now they were letting her take an opportunity that would potentially land her with a job in South Korea, meaning she would have to live in the country? It was amazing! Eun-ji glanced at the time and her eyes almost popped out of head once she realised that she had to get ready for her audition. Throwing on some joggers and a tight-fitting tank top Eun-ji raced down the stairs and practically jumped into her shoes as she made her way out of the front door with her car keys in hand, ready to head to her destination.

|Hey guys! I've been writing this story with my best friend for a while now so I hope you enjoy it. :)|

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