3.There Is No Way It's Him.

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*Exits the principal's office*

Rachel started to get the mic ready and Chloe started to tell the rest of the school..

*Everybody got to the yard*

"I, Rachel Miller are here to proudly Announce that we are having a concert for teachers day starting Wednesday.. thank you for listening,and the people who wants to performe, please come to the principals office, have a good day"Rachel.

As went to the principals office Rachel saw Alan signing up to perform and after Alan sign up he looked at Rachel... And winked ;)


*Running to locker and smiles*Rachel.

"Oh my word.. What the hell just happened?..."Rachel.

*Opens locker*

"Another... Love letter?,and..the writing is the same as the last one.." Rachel.

*Opens love letter*

Dear Rachel,
I wanted to tell you that you look amazing today, and that I am performing for you at the concert.. When I am done performing I will wink at you so keep an eye out ;)




*Runs to locker*Rachel.


"No..Way.."As Rachel walks to the bathroom.

*Look's at mirror*

"No.. There is no way it's him.. Right? I mean we never even talk.. Aghh..." Rachel.

*School bell rings for going home*

Rachel walks to her locker again and grab her bag, she locked her locker and walked home..


*Making homework*

"I need a glass of water.." Rachel.

*Walks down stairs*

"Hey mom.." Rachel.

"Oh hi hunny"Mom.

*Grabs water, Drinks* Rachel.

"Mom where's Kyle?" Rachel.

"He's sleeping over at he's friends place"Mom.

"Oh ok"Rachel.

*Door bell rings*

"I'll get it.." Rachel.

*Opens door*


"hey Rachel :)"Alan.

"W-what are you d-doing here?" Rachel. *Shook*

"You left you're phone at the top of you're locker, here"Alan

"O-oh..y-yeah..thank you.., do you wanna come in?" Rachel.

"Nah it's fine.. I need to go home, my mom is gonna be worried"Alan

"Oh, ok.. Be careful"Rachel.

"Thanks.. *Winks*"Alan


"Hunny who was it?" Mom.

"I-it was.. My friend"Rachel.

"Ok.. Hurry and finish your homework I'm making dinner"Mom.

"O-ok *blushes*"Rachel.

*Close door*

TBC :)

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