A Way Out (Backstory)

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It been it least a six months since Arlo graduated. I not the King anymore, I let Blyke be King. Sera has her power back, Isan and Elaine are a thing. So are Cecile and Sera and Blyke and Rei. Everything has changed around us. I been out and in the infirmary because I am getting sick, not for injuries. I haven't had a flight for the longest time. The last on I was in was me powering down for Arlo. Either way my birthday is next week. Sera is planning something I guess. I don't know why, I lied to her.

Hey John, I was wondering if you wanna hang out?

Sure . Where am I heading to Sera?

At my dorm, silly ...

I'll be there in a second or two

That was weird of her? Probably Cecile talking her phone again. Oh well time to go ...

* Knock. Knock. *

" Hey, Johnny Boy." Isen said answering the door. "Hey" I said walking in. " Long time no see, John." someone said from the couch. I watch the figure turn around, I was in shock. " Arlo ..." I said with a pause. I turn around trying to leave but got stopped by a yellow barrier. I crossed my arm and walked towards Arlo. " How have you been?" He asked. "Good" I mumbled. " Liar." He states. " So .." I mumbled. The barrier disappeared, I activated my power, and punched him. It didn't even make a mark. Then he grabbed my collar and through me onto the wall, then on to the floor. I coughed up blood. I was scared ...I lost my temper. Now he was going to lose his. He walked over to me and picked me up into a bridal carry to the couch. I was shocked. I usually got my ass handed to me for doing that. " What was that about?" Sera questioned. Then she saw me on the couch being scolded by Arlo. "What did he do?" She asked Arlo. "I provoked him, so he punched me. Then I threw him at the wall." He said saving my ass. "John come here." She stated. I got up, I kinda feel dizzy. She ran towards me and caught me. Then I felt was cold rag on my forehead. As I open my eyes I saw everyone around me. "Hey kiddo you feeling better?" I think Keene said. I groaned. I turned to face the back the couch, I winced. "Maybe if you stop losing your temper you'll stop getting your self hurt" Darren said. I stretched out, and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I was in my infirmary. I had and IV in. I groaned. Looking at every the sleeping blonde at the foot if my bed. I saw Sera looking at me, I just smiled at her. She giggled making Arlo wake up. He walked over to me and kissed me. " Arlo! No PDA in the Infirmary" Rei states. " Good god. I can do what I what Rei" he said. " I am so confused?" I said in shock. "Keene!?" I said. "Everyone out" He yelled. Then after they all left he throw me some clothes. "Hurry up, they will be here any minute." He stated. I slipped on the t-shirt, and grey hoodie. Then I put on the jeans, socks and the sneakers.  I ninja my way out the window, hopping into Keene's black truck.

"What took you so long old man" I laughed. " Shut you dam mouth you ignorant child." He said slapping the back of my head. "Ow ...." I said. He pulled out of the parking lot, and drove to a place where I will be staying to train til I am eighteen.

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