ᴛʜɪs ɪsɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴇᴀsʏ..

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  The former grown up Class 3-A stood outside their new dorms. Everyone's things were already packed up and set up in their assigned rooms. Aizawa currently  gave house rules to the young adults, boring them half to death as they listened. However, a certain ash blonde was thoroughly distracted, for his eyes were focused on something more appetizing. Izuku Midoriya; A precious soul with a golden heart and courageous personality he portrayed nowadays. Katsuki was the only one who really knows the younger way more than anyone, besides his mother at least. Another known and new thing about Midoriya now was his appearance. He had an elegant undercut with beautifully built abs. It it wasn't obvious the small likes him, a lot. Bakugo had gained these feelings a little while after their second year. It was honestly cute, though he constantly dismissed his feelings. He felt too insecure about himself, especially after the fight they had as first years when he broke down in front of him. The only other person on earth who knows about this is Kirishima.

  Aizawa had finally stopped talking, they could go in and get out of the boiling sun and into the common area. It was blast, everyone was chatting it up with each other, listening to music and all that good stuff. Katsuki was sitting with the Bakusquad, Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. "Have ya'll seen BTS's new music video? Its so good!" Mina exclaimed, she was talking about Stay Gold by BTS. Katsuki had listened to it, he actually liked something she listened to for once. "Mina- Nobody listens to that shit" Sero added while chuckling. "Oh fuck you, scotch tape head ass hoe" Mina made a comeback, causing laughter around the table. Bakugo was set straight as the look in his eye only shimmered for Izuku. He had been focused on what the other was doing all day now. How he talked, how he walked, how he fought during training and the list goes on. He adored this individual, but at what cost?  The burning ache in his heart as he knew that the chances with his crush were extremely low. He obviously liked Uraraka or at least it was obvious she liked him at one point. They both would get all fluttery around each other in their first year. "Oi! Bakubro, you good? You look all hot" Kirishima had been trying to get his best friends attention. The blondes head swung around almost so fast he could've gotten whiplash. "Wh- Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" He said with his usual attitude thriving in his voice. "You've been real quiet today, did someone die?- Ow!"  Kaminari added but was jabbed by Sero's thick elbow. 

  "No one died and it'll be you dead in a few seconds if you don't hush, I'm fine ok? Don't worry about it so much" Katsuki still had bis somewhat explosive attitude yes, but he's maturing more more by the day. He doesn't cuss as much anymore and he seems mor reasonable now than immediately wanting to fight. "C'mon shorty what is it?" Mina asked, actually kinda've excited. "Ok I know you didn't want me to tell anyone but, is it about Midoriya?.." Eijirou hesitantly asked, grabbing everyone's attention. "What about Midoriya?!" Sero whisper shouted, Deku was only 6 feet away from them. "Oh this is going to be good! Let me get my teacup ready" Mina said giggling to herself. "Damnit! Fine then. It started awhile ago, in our second year as students here. I don't know what it was or when it happened. I just started having these random feelings about the nerd. I don't know what to do about it or what to say to him but I know damn well none of you are going to tell him, right?" He explains with a clear and calm voice. They all nodded in response. "Everyone listen up, curfew will start in about 10 minutes. Wrap up your conversations and head to your rooms." Iida still keeps the same energy as he always had, the only good thing about it now is that he doesn't nag about every little thing anymore. Kirishima and Bakugo walk away together after saying their goodbyes to the rest of the group while heading to their dorms. Cool thing is that their rooms are next to each other. "Actually, I'm gonna get some water go ahead" Bakugo shouted a bit as he walked towards the kitchen receiving a head nod back from his best friend.

  While opening the bottle cap and putting it to his mouth beginning to sip, someone else entered the kitchen behind him. "Oh hi Kacchan" with the simple phrase, a complete third of the  bottled water went into his mouth and out of his nose. Katsuki coughed and hacked over the sink while the other came to his need, 'God..I look so pathetic right now..' he thought to himself while single tears sprinkled down each of his eyes from all of the coughing. It was water but hell if it didn't burn his sinuses. "Oh my gosh, are you okay? Did I startle you? I'm sorry- here's a towel" Izuku did his perusal aid to the other. Katsuki's face was red, really red from being both flustered and in slight pain. "I-I got it..." His voice was raspy and his throat hurt from all the wheezing. "Fuck.." his gorgeous eyelashes batted a little as his sinuses fought the water out of his nose and onto the towel. Izuku rubbed the others back, "So uhm..how ya been?"  Izuku's voice was deeper, great. "I-I'm fine.." Katsuki spoke from his pretty pink lips. 'I need to leave..' he thought to himself. "After all this time you still can't start a conversation with someone correctly?" Katsuki removed the towel from his face with a smirk, his cheeks still had a red hue and his lips were so perfectly pink they rivaled Mina's skin. Izuku looked a bit stuck for a minute before responding, "I'm still learning gimme a break!" They both laughed. 'Why did these moments have to go away?..' Katsuki thought to himself again, he truly missed the childhood days when he and Izuku would go outside and play, sneak candy from their parents, stay up late reading story books. The nostalgia hit him a lot when he thought about Midoriya. "Anyway, you want me to walk you to your dorm? I don't mind" The taller asked. 'No..'; "Yeah, why not" The blonde cursed himself  pitting himself in a situation that he knew he didn't want to be in. Yet it felt so right to him for whatever reason it did. 

They walked down the quiet hallway, Katsuki felt tiny walking next to Izuku. "Where exactly is your room?-" The other asked out the silence, startling the other again. Bakugo had pulled a deku, tripping on his own foot and falling forward. 'Why?..' He braced for the impact as he was only brought to a firm yet soft place. "Seriously Kacchan, are you okay? You're starting to worry me.."  Katsuki slowly looked up at the taller and slightly more buff young adult standing in front of him. He had landing right into his chest, his hands rested next to each other just below each of Izuku's pecks. His arms were gently but protectively wrapped around Katsuki's small waist  keeping him still. Even if he wanted to break free from the protective embrace, he couldn't move. They both looked at each other in the eyes. Slowly falling into a trance, not wanting to look away from each other. Katsuki was the first to come back to his senses. "Uhm, better go to sleep now before Iida starts nagging again" He quickly said while poorly attempting to break free of the others arms, 'Why did I do this to myself?..'  "R-Right, sorry about that heh.." Izuku had let him go, he hated knowing the warmth was gone. Katsuki adjusted his black tank top, opening his door, "Goodnight.." he said to Midoriya who had already started walking. "Night Kacchan.."


     Katsuki closed his door and slid down. 

What just happened?..


-  Thank you to all who have been patient with me I appreciate it.

- Please pay attention to my announcements, I usually have updates and some ideas I wanna wrote down for the next chapter so it is very important that you check every now and then, even when you already got the notification

- Ch. 2 rewrite coming soon(This will be removed when it is done)

Love y'all,

- Levi

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