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*the morning after the late-night argument in "precious" aka today*

Point of view: Seonghwa

A familiar feeling wakes me up- kisses. It takes me a few seconds to sort out where am. Home. Right. Next to my boyfriend, well, under him. The sun is shining a bit too bright, I almost sneeze. I open my eyes, just to meet my boyfriend's loving eyes.

I still feel that familiar feeling that woke me up, so I sit up. I feel a bit dizzy, but that feeling fades away the moment I realise I just nearly kicked Yeo off the bed. He looks at me judgingly.

"I am sorry, Yeo", I mumble and pull him closer. "I didn't realise you were on top of me." His face looks even more judging than before and it causes me to giggle lightly. He is sensitive whenever it comes to the top-or-bottom-discussion. I decide to kiss him, before trying to stand up.

"Can't we just stay in bed today?", Yeosang whispers in my ear, his lips brushing my skin so light. Surprised I stop trying to free me from his tight hug any back down. "Why the change in mood?", I slowly ask, just as quiet. "Usually you are the one that won't sit still", I explain the cause of my question.

"Well. Can't I just want to enjoy a relaxed day with my boyfriend?", now he pouts again since he knows I can't resist that face. "Fine, why not?", I finally give in. "But you don't have any other intentions, right?", I want to make sure.

His ears turn bright red. I raise an eyebrow. "Yeo...?", I ask slowly when he covers his ears embarrassed. I take his hands in mine and pull them away from his ears. I place a gentle kiss on his nose. "So, what do you want to do?", I decide to just ignore his weird behaviour, he's probably still a bit tired.

His eyes begin to sparkle again. "Cuddle?", he asks with the most hopeful doe eyes ever. "Of course, baby". I mumble and pull him closer once again. This is one of the moments I wish that would never end.

Time passes and even if it's impossible to stay in bed he whole day, we at least don't leave the house and always return to our bed within a few minutes. We cuddle, we stay quiet, we whisper "I love you"s, we giggle quietly, we mumble cheesy things. We even listen to soft music, but no one speaks up. I don't even dare to shout if he wants extra cheese on the pizza I put into the oven while he takes a shower. I am positive he always wants extra cheese. The morning and noon go by absolutely quiet.

--I swear the last part is better--

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