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POV: Fendrel

Fendrel's hand subconsciously went to his bag as Zoricus approached.

All I have for weapons are daggers. Those won't be any use against a sword...Unless one of the knives I picked up is laced with knock-out powder.

As soon as Fendrel retrieved one of his daggers, Zoricus rushed forward and kicked Fendrel onto his back. "You are not getting away from me again! I will make you suffer."

Fendrel gasped and coughed. His breath left him when Zoricus slammed his knee down on Fendrel's chest.

Zoricus ripped Fendrel's blade out of his hands. The knight pinned Fendrel's wrists above his head.

Cassius' fleeing steps drew Fendrel's attention away for a second. He felt a sting on his cheek. Then another, and another.

The knight sliced the blade of his sword across Fendrel's face, grinning manically. He held the tip over Fendrel's wide-open eye and lowered it.

Fendrel, with blood trailing into his vision, tore his hands out of Zoricus' grip and punched his jaw.

Zoricus reeled back with a groan.

Before the knight could recover, Fendrel twisted out from under his knee.

As Zoricus stomped toward Fendrel, a young woman's voice called out. "Zoricus? What are you doing?"

Fendrel only drug his eyes toward the voice once Zoricus stopped his pursuit.

Is that the princess?

Zoricus' mouth gaped. He straightened up and cleared his throat. "Sadie..."

Sadie stood in the open doorway of one of the halls. "I was told Cassius was back home..." She looked between Fendrel and Zoricus. "What's going on?"

"He threatened to hurt the prince!" Zoricus pointed his sword at Fendrel. "So I took to defending him."

Fendrel blinked in surprise. "Are you serious? No. He's lying."

Sadie glared at Fendrel. "What did you do to my brother?"

A hand reached out from behind Sadie. "Wait."

The princess stepped aside and the young woman from the garden came forward.

"He's Cassius' friend." The young woman placed her hand on Sadie's shoulder. "He wouldn't hurt him."

"But Zoricus..." Sadie's chest began to heave.

Fendrel got to his feet. "Your cousin is lying. He himself was planning on killing—"

"Shut your mouth, criminal!" Zoricus started toward Fendrel.

The woman from the garden nearly tripped on her skirt running forward. She bent down and picked up Fendrel's dagger. "Let him go."

Zoricus smirked at the young woman. "You have no idea how to use that."

Sadie began to walk toward her cousin. "Zoricus, please tell me what's happening."

"It is exactly as I said." Zoricus gave a deep sigh. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a maddened, far-off scream. The scream grew in volume and was accompanied by pounding footsteps.

Cassius ran into the throne room, still screaming. He tackled Zoricus to the floor.

When Zoricus hit the ground, a small key flew out of one of his pockets.

The young woman gasped. "That's it!"

Fendrel wiped blood from his face with his scarf and ran for the key. He slid it to the lady, then pulled Cassius away just as Zoricus thrust up with the sword.

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