Encounter with a De-Aged villiain

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Shimura hazily woke up to the sounds of whispering. Exhaustion shot through his entire being. He lazily rubbed his eyes, to better try and recognize the room he Was in, except, he couln't. The whispering had stopped, and only then did he acknowledge the amount of people in the room.

Eyes bore into his head, alarming the less than nourished boy. He quivered under all the pressure. "Hello" a soft, feminine voice chirped. A woman stood up, gracefully walking over to him.  tall, with spiky dark-ish hair, and sky blue eyes. She crouched down at his level, held her hand up for him. He jerked away, his breathing faster by the second.

"Little Tenko, calm yourself!" He was shaking, forgetting to breath. tears dripped down his face. "Calm down! Breath!" The man then put a hand on his shoulder. "Breath in and out. In and out." He inhaled and exhaled, then repeated. Tenko followed along. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Tenko slowly stopped shaking, with every breath he took.

Tenko desperately tried to follow the steps, but struggled. The woman seemed to notice and put her hand down, backing away. "It's okay. We aren't here to hurt you" she reassured. He wished he could believe her, but that was hard considering she was a stranger. He didn't even know her name, how could he be so sure?

"My name is Nemuri, but you can call me midnight. What's your name?" He stared at her for a few moments, unsure if he should tell her, or stay quite until she decided to leave. Then again, she didn't look like she was leaving anytime soon. To be fair, she did give him her name. "Tenko....." He quietly answered. She smiled brightly "What a handsome name, for a handsome little boy. We were going to start questioning you, but we have decided That you should trust us. Eraser Head is going to be in charge of you. He has a class to teach thouygh, so you will be going with him." Tenko shivered at the thought, but he knew it was best that he doesn't defy them

Later that day
Aizawa stood in front of the door with tenko. "Listen kid. I'm gonna go in and explain the situation, you just wait out here until I tell you to come in. Ok?" He whispered. Tenko nodded sweat trickling down his face, he was beyond nervous.

Aizawa walked in the door, and the room immediately fell into silence.  "Today I have an important announcement to make. As you all know, there was a battle between All Might and Shigaraki Tomura." They all nodded, intensely staring at Aizawa. "What you don't know, is that Shigaraki was hit by a de-aging quirk. He is now under UA's supervision. I am the one in charge of him. However, I still have to teach you all. So, he will tbe in this class while I teach today." Everyone's mouths gaped. " B-But mister" Kaminari started. " No buts. I didn't ask you for permission, I'm preparing you for it."

"Okay, you can come in now." The door slowly slid open. In the doorway stood a boney little boy. He had light blue hair, and blood red irisis. Slight rinkles surrounded his eyes, and there was a small mole on his chin. The class looked at the fragile boy in shock. There's no way that's him.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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