chapter one: Nicole's perspective

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   Hey I'm Nicole, I'm 18 , and I just got excepted into Harvard university! This is the best day of my life! See I hate people, that's why I'm going to be a botanist, with a private office so no stupid 611s bother me (611 means human in dewy decimal system) I memorized it all, only I can be smart in floral science and the dewy decimal system. That's why I got excepted to Harvard.

   Suddenly I hear a knock, I roll my eyes, I thought a person was at the door but it was my mail, telling what date I start Harvard, plus my schedule, at this site I smile. , you are probably wondering if I have a boyfriend since I hate people, I don't and i never ever intend to.

I do have a pet parakeet named golden, I like him because he isn't annoying like people. I have never liked people here is why, when I was ten  two people said they would be my friend, of course I said yes, at that point i never had friends. The next week they spread rumors, every time I tried making friends it always turned out like that.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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