Always Be Your Girl

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Landon's POV:

   I heard Elizabeth's thoughts about loving me and then I felt a pain rip through my body. My wolf howled in protest and I fell to the lfoor in my office. My mother rushed forward and a growl ripped through me before she got to me. I knew. Simon had bit her and started the mating. I wouldn't be able to talk to her. And now I only had 24 hours to get to her before he finished the mating. How dare he try to take my mate. She was my everything. I loved her so much. He would pay for this. 

   I sat up and leaned against my desk. My parents and Jake stared at me along with Brandon and Lance. They were just as furious as I. They should be in the hospital but they were dead set on looking for Elizabeth. My wolf was shaking inside me, rearing to get out. 

   "He's starting the mating. He just bit her."

   My mother gasped and sat down on the sofa. Brandon, Lance and Jake let out howls. But I watched my father. He would know what to do. I might be Alpha but he's my dad. I wasn't, couldn't, be stupid about this if I wanted Beth back. 

   "Dad," I whispered. 

   He looked at me and nodded. "I need you to tell me everything she said before you lost the connection. We'll set out a grid and get teams out searching. We will find her Landon."

   Jake set out to get members of the pack prepared while Dad and I went over the plan with Brandon and Lance. They would also lead teams. 

   Lance stared at me, "couldn't we still use our intuition to help find her? We can't communicate with her?"

   I shook my head, "it doesn't work if a vampire has bitten her. It erases everything now. She'll be unconcious for 12 hours and then have to heal for the next 12."

   "After that?" Brandon asked.

   I frowned and stared down at my desk. After that they would complete the mating, just like Beth and I had done. And she would no longer be mine. 

   Dad answered for me, "we're not going to worry about that. It won't come to that."

   Brandon frowned and got back to talking about the map to my dad and Lance.

   If we didn't get her back, I didn't know what I would do. 


   Dad and I had just got all the teams split up in the front lawn when a black Ford truck pulled up. Avery, a neighboring Alpha, stepped out along with his Beta Anthony.

   Avery nodded at me and stepped forward, "I'm not following protical because I don't think you'd want me to. I know where the blood sucker has your Luna. We caught their scent on the east side of our territory."

  I came forward with my dad right behind me. "Do you know where they are?"

   Anthongy nodded, "I smelt your packs scent and I had a gut feeling. I followed them to this abonded building a clan had turned into a house. It's in the middle of nowhere towards Nebraska. We're here to help."

   I nodded, "and after this you have my packs full support whenever you need it,"

   Avery nodded, "we thank you for that. My Luna was once taken. That's why we're doing this. I know how it feels. Let's head out. My Luna's birthday is tomorrow and she'll tear me apart if I miss it."

   He chuckled and headed back to his truck. Dad and I piled in with Avery and everyone else followed behind. It was about an hour drive before he stopped. He pulled up outside a hotel.

   Avery turned to me just as I was about to protest. "We need to stop. It's a good 2 hour trip left. We need to be on gaurd. Let's rest and get a start early in the morning before they wake up. How long ago did you lose your connection?"

I frowned and looked down at my watch. I knew he was speaking rationally but I just wanted Beth as soon as possible.

   "It's been about 6 hours," my dad answered. "Son, this is a good idea. Avery is right, we can't go in without a plan. And we need all the guys in their best shape."

   I nodded, "Alright."

   Beth would wake up in 6 more hours and not remember who I was. But she would always be my girl.

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