Chapter 11.

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[ Mrs. Choi's P.O.V. ]

He beat me. He tortured me like a stray animal. He whipped me with a rope leaving red marks all over my legs. The feeling of being dragged again set in your stomach as you anxiously sit there.

They dragged me to different rooms filled with harmful mechanics and dangerous things. It scared you, scared you very much indeed. But the more you screaming in agony, it almost seemed as though it excited him. Like it was his fuel of pushing it further and further.

Every hall you went down you observed. Your mind was cautious not to make it to obvious, for they might blindfold you. Making a chance of escaping a harder reality to believe in. The days felt like years and the nights were just as restless.

He didn't provide you anything but a simple meal of toast, eggs, and bacon with orange juice or water. Same thing everyday since you've been here. You lost track of the time because of how much has been going on. You couldn't keep focus on one thing for you own good.

The thought of escaping, there was a slight chance. But judging upon each shitty move that was made from him to hurt you, lessened that percentage bit by bit.

The man had disappeared for a while, saying that he was going to go wash up. With every last bit of optimism I had left, my mind hoped that it would be the end to this. I don't think I could've taken much longer of any of it. In fact I just felt like dying right then and-.

"I know what you're probably thinking," he paused, walking back to the metal chair that was out in front of me. The lamp just barely lighting up the center of the room, flickering everyone 5 minutes. He sucked in a breathe before continuing.

"I can't take much more, just kill me."

My heart skipped a beat. What if he really does kill me? Or is he just saying that to provoke me into something? I've already experienced enough torture for today.

"I'll make you a deal," before saying more he looks into my eyes searching. For anything, really.

"If you can make it out of this warehouse I'll let you go completely. But if you tell a single damned soul about any of this, I'll drag you back here myself." He said through gritted teeth.

My body was trembling. I didn't know how I felt about the whole 'compromise'. Sure it was an opportunity to escape and live, but what if I don't make it out in time? What would he do to me?

Deciding to not make this situation any worse, I ask him with all the courage my body contained.

"And what happens if I don't make it out in time?" My eyes flicker from him to the only ext door. Leading out to the main hallway.

"Well, let's just say it's gonna be pretty rough. Unlike last time." My blood ran cold. The sweat dripping down my face only grew worse as my mind lingered to the possibilities that might occur.

He finally stands up. Putting his back to me, he starts walking towards the metal door. Turning around he says,

"1 hour, you'll start in 30 minutes sharp." And with that he leaves. Slamming the door harshly like he's done for the past week.

It pained you. The thought of your kids not seeing their mother for a whole week. Your husband stressing out over you. It just made you want to go back and fix things that were troublesome from before.

To think about it now, you've been a terrible mother. A workaholic some might say. All you cared about was good grades, going to college, and becoming successful. You just wanted your kids to make the perfect impression on life. It would've made things easier for you and your husband.

But you neglected them if things just weren't how you wanted it to be. You focused on work to leave an example of how you thought life should've gone. But you were wrong. Completely wrong.

"I'm sorry"

𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝐼𝓃𝒹𝓊𝓁𝑔𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 || Min Yoongi FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon