Chapter 303

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We got there and sat in the waiting room for quite a while. I could tell that Harry was getting impatient

"Hey what the he-"
I abruptly stopped him and squeezed his hand.

"Okay.. I'm sorry. I'll stop." He says, leaning in and kissing me.

After waiting a few more minutes the nurse comes out and calls my name "Teresa?" and we follow him to the room.

"Don't you think being a male nurse is kind of a pussy move.?" Harry asks the guy.

"You're girlfriend doesn't think so." He confidently says.

"I will fucking bash your head into the goddamn ground don't you dare!" He punched him in the face and pushed him against the wall.

"Harry!" I squeeze my way in between them and just as I do he kicked me in the knee, I knew it wasn't on purpose. He meant to do it to the guy, but damn did it hurt.

I yelped in pain and the male doctor slid out from behind me and ran down the hallway. All of the patients in the other rooms came and gave Harry the look, you know the one. 

"OH MY GOD" he screamed, and picked me up. He immediately started crying as soon as he saw how much it hurt, "I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Do I need to carry you?"

"No. It's fine." I scowled at him, walking towards our room. Even though I knew he didn't mean to hurt me, he still started a fight after saying he was gonna be more gentle with people. He hung his head down low the rest of the time there.

We walk in and the woman happily greets us, I take it she probably didn't hear any of it... hopefully. She sat me down and pulled up my shirt, exposing my little stomach. Harry stared at it for a little while, his eyes completely glossed over.

"Okay.? Are you ready to see your baby?"

Our eyes light up, "yes." We both say.

"Okay, she's only a month along so the baby's going to be really small but I'll play the heartbeat for you.!"

We wait in anticipation and he grabs my hand in his  and holds it up to his chin. The monitor turns on and we can see a tiny little 'blob'. She then shows us the heartbeat and the room sits in a tension. Not a bad tension, a joyous tension. Harry was crying, I was crying, hell the nurse was even tearing up.

"That's ours baby." He whispers into my ear and we kiss.

"Make sure to come back in the next 6 weeks and we can tell you the gender of the baby!"

We giddily walk out and Harry apologizes all the way to the car.

"No. You promised to stop fighting and you started a fight right in front of a bunch of hormonal pregnant women and their partners, you humiliated me!"

"Well maybe if you weren't so fucking attractive then I wouldn't have to worry about beating a piece of shit up because they're hitting on you!"

"So you're blaming this on me?!" I challenge him.

"Yes! You put yourself out there with your little dresses and you're fucking makeup and hair!"

"I can't believe you right now."

"I'm leaving, if you're coming with hurry the fuck up." He demanded.

"I'll just call Zayn, he can take me home I have to work on my book with him anyways."

"Of course you'll call Zayn.! He's so much better than I am, why don't you just fuck him!"

I started crying and he swiftly walked to his car and drove off. So, he's just going to leave his pregnant wife alone in a parking lot...

I call Zayn and he picks me up. I didn't really have any work to do with him I was just scared to get in the car with him.

"Zayn, I'm worried. Harry has gotten better since I've gotten pregnant, but his temper is still so bad. Sorry I called you like this, I just can't be in the car with him."

"No, don't worry. It's fine. I understand, don't let him smother you."

"I'm not, trust me. I was just worried. Can I just go home, please?"

He drove swiftly, but we were all the way across town so it didn't seem that fast. We sat in silence before he started a conversation.

"So how's the baby?" He asked out of the blue.

"Doing pretty well, I'm trying not to stress because I want to be healthy."

"That's key." Just as the conversation ended we got there, thank god.

"Are you sure you'll be fine alone with him?" He asks

"Yes, he won't hurt me."

Zayn gave me a hug and I got out and walked up the stairs into the apartment.

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